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Old 01-22-2010, 05:42 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Eccentric. Looking nice and being consumed with how you look are two different things. I'm married. My wife played this Pentecost game. You may not be into the fashion show culture, but many women are -- and would even admit to it. Just wait until a big conference is coming up and see how many are getting a brand-new outfit. And it's like baby names, the more crazy, different and out there, the better!

Dress up if you must. Dress up to "the nines" if you must. But don't purport to be a warrior for modesty, while beating others down for modest jewelry and make-up like Pentecost does.

AQP hit the nail on the head with her friend, who is unfortunately quite typical: "They are staring at me because of the glory of God on me..."
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Come on PO, you know you love your Christmas glitter/sequin sweater!!! The one with the fake birds sewn on it!
Oops, forgot about that one!!!

I'm sending you a sweatshirt with a beautiful white owl sewn in white sequins! You will LOVE it!!! You don't have to thank me!
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:44 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Agreed! I never wear sequins, beading or glitter on my clothing. I think it looks cheap.
Looks CHEAP!? Huh? Maybe I can see your point. But those items most certainly aren't the epitome of "cheap."

Other "modest" accesories: beads in the hair (as opposed to neck)... fancy broaches (instead of rings), clips, 50 chopsticks at once, shimmer pantyhose, metallic purses, OD on lip gloss...

The most eccentric dresses I've ever seen have been at church events. They seriously could compete with Paris.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:45 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Personally, I don't believe modesty dictates dressing plainly, either. The meaning of the word is "...orderly, that is, decorous: - of good behaviour, modest."

Do you (Daniel & Renda in particular) read the verse to forbid gold, pearls and costly array?

To me, the verse is emphasizing that our adornment is not these things, but rather our works. However, I don't take away from the verse that we can't wear gold, pearls or costly array (the virtuous woman was clothed in fine linens); I just understand it to mean we should emphasize good works and manner above outward adornment.

I also understand that (maybe) it is the pointing out of the inconsistency, whereas gold and pearls are forbidden, among other things, at least on certain parts of the body, but costly array is not. However, since the forbidding of those items comes from a poor interpretation of the verse to begin with, it's somewhat pointless and disingenuous to criticize people for wearing costly array--unless you truly think it's sinful.

In the particular excerpt that Daniel posted, I would agree with tstew that it's just about style, and would suggest that the majority of young people did look modest, at least as it's defined in Strong's. Personally, I don't equate "fashionable" with "immodest" unless fashionable IS immodest in some way. (e.g., indicative of indecorous behavior or attitude; disorderly) We don't call clothing immodest simply because it's in vogue--do we?

This reminds me of the Easter thread last year...why is it bothersome when people wear dress clothes? Unless you're opposed to dressing up, generally speaking (and I know for a fact that most of the posters on this thread are NOT opposed, including Daniel, if the occasion demands it), then what exactly are you harping on?
No, I do not.

As JA has posted already:

"When they are inconsistently taught using inapplicable scriptures or misinterpreted scripture. i.e.
This scripture is incorrectly used as a prohibition against wearing any jewelry. Yet where is the standard which could also be extracted from this on plaiting of hair and apparel? The last UPCI General COnference I went to had all kinds of hairdos and outlandish dresses, but no jewelry of course!"

Be consistent - how can you use this scripture to forbid jewerly, yet have no problem with extravagent dress/costly wear.

I believe this scripture like you - it's about the heart. Not being homely and ugly.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:45 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by Brother David View Post
Do you ladies actually enjoy wear high heels? Ow!

Why can't we have some sort of cultural programming that says "sensible shoes only?"
I've wondered that and I am a lady!
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
I don't think the verses prohibit dressing nicely, dressing up, looking "fancy". I do think it frowns upon being dressed so outlandishly that people stare. I have been to the mall with some Pentecostals and I was embarrassed by the stares we got. Fancy, fancy, fancy hair-dos, (appropriate for a wedding or the prom, but odd at the mall) feathers and frou-frous everywhere. It's just incongruous to me that it's okay to dress that way and still preach about modesty as one of our mainstay doctrines.

I *don't* believe those verses prohibit jewelry or nice clothing, but I do think one definition of modesty is that you don't draw excess attention to yourself. Paul did say that women should dress in modest apparel. I personally don't think he was referring exclusively to the amount of skin that was shown.
Yes! You say it much better.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:48 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

The deal is, I LOVE that my wife has style, dresses cute, and she has a knack for finding good deals. (Great combo) This isn't an indictment on those who dress up either.

Look good. Look classy. But outside of exposing the "modesty hypocrisy," Paul's point is one for us to actually work on being modest. Toning it down wouldn't hurt anyone. I like to get dressed up for fancy dinner parties. But outside of that, it's almost embarrassing going to a restaurant with women who look like they are at the prom and trying to talk to a poor lady in the parking lot asking for money... just something seems awkward about that. There's dressy, then there's DRESSY.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Can a person be modest without moderation?
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Yes! You say it much better.
She has a knack for doing that -- always saying things with such clarity.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Oops, forgot about that one!!!

I'm sending you a sweatshirt with a beautiful white owl sewn in white sequins! You will LOVE it!!! You don't have to thank me!

OK, I won't!!! Thank you, that is!
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