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Old 04-12-2007, 10:39 AM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
You're slipping.

That was a declarative sentence. Not a question.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:39 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
It often seems that some folks are looking for a reason to be offended an walk away. It is as if the preacher's innocent ignorance is a valid reason to live a life self gratification.

That won't hold up in the judgment, PP.

There are people who endure hardships far beyond some preacher preaching against slit skirts or long sleeves (I don't consider either of those hardships, btw), and keep the faith and their testimony.

God will sort it all out in the judgment.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:39 AM
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Just to illustrate my POV with hopefully an ‘extreme’ example….

If you, or any other person, operating within what you believe is your calling and election in God, leave open an idea in someone hearing your words that “a man should have as many wives as he can support. We do not follow the laws of men…only God!”

What they do with your hearing will reveal their heart within the Kingdom of God. If they think you have given them an legitimate way to pursue the lust of their heart, they will not consult God to be led by his Spirit in all truth. They will use their view of your position in their lives to be justified in their actions.

In my understanding of the Spirit of God, no one person’s error, (parent, teacher, or spouse) will provide an alternate means of justification of an influenced person’s folly. Each party will answer to their own master for the understanding and motive that was operating from their own heart.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:41 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I'm talking about the ring/no ring type things.

The men who preach against rings will cite the Scripture the frowns on the wearing of gold.

Again, you might not agree with that application, but it is not simply some wild, arbitrary standard with no Scriptural precedent.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:42 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
Just to illustrate my POV with hopefully an ‘extreme’ example….

If you, or any other person, operating within what you believe is your calling and election in God, leave open an idea in someone hearing your words that “a man should have as many wives as he can support. We do not follow the laws of men…only God!”

What they do with your hearing will reveal their heart within the Kingdom of God. If they think you have given them an legitimate way to pursue the lust of their heart, they will not consult God to be led by his Spirit in all truth. They will use their view of your position in their lives to be justified in their actions.

In my understanding of the Spirit of God, no one person’s error, (parent, teacher, or spouse) will provide an alternate means of justification of an influenced person’s folly. Each party will answer to their own master for the understanding and motive that was operating from their own heart.
I agree.

The Scripture is clearly against polygamy.

"No man can serve two masters."

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Old 04-12-2007, 10:42 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Yes, boundaries such as the list Coonskinner started. Boundaries that are Biblical - not rules that aren't.

If more was taught on prayer (for the saints) and they all develop that close personal walk with God would there been need for silly rules?
You see ... now Renda ... you've hit on the nose ... My Dad spent 98% of his preaching/teaching time on walking with God [prayer, fasting, loving one another] the other 1% on social issues ... and the other 1% on 'the rules'.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:43 AM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
Just to illustrate my POV with hopefully an ‘extreme’ example….

If you, or any other person, operating within what you believe is your calling and election in God, leave open an idea in someone hearing your words that “a man should have as many wives as he can support. We do not follow the laws of men…only God!”

What they do with your hearing will reveal their heart within the Kingdom of God. If they think you have given them an legitimate way to pursue the lust of their heart, they will not consult God to be led by his Spirit in all truth. They will use their view of your position in their lives to be justified in their actions.

In my understanding of the Spirit of God, no one person’s error, (parent, teacher, or spouse) will provide an alternate means of justification of an influenced person’s folly. Each party will answer to their own master for the understanding and motive that was operating from their own heart.
Grand Slam!!!

I'm feeling better. Maybe I'm not such a loser after all.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
You're slipping.

That was a declarative sentence. Not a question.
Yeah, I saw a question where there was none but noticed it immediately and I fixed it! Go back and read.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
So, there is collateral damage through friendly fire.
I think that the "collateral damage" can happen at anytime for anyreason. The real matter is what is causing it. In your original question you stateda bout a pastor unknowingly doing this. Well, seeing that we are all human we are all capable of doing this. However, leadership is held to higher standard, as you well know. The crucks of the matter is like the a previous poster said is it on purpose of an accident.

My guess is that if the pastor does it on purpose then God knows and he will reap what he/she sowed. If accidentally God knows too. I am in a situation where the pastor of the UPC church I have been attending and his family have attacked a friend of mine and his familiy, that used to be at our church.
This friend of mine was accused of somethings that I am sure he did not do because we were together at the time "it" was suppose to happen.

In this situation, the pastor may know that my friend is telling the truth, but the accusation comes from acouple of memebers of his family. I believe that he think the family is right, but the way he is attacking this family is wrong.

Like I always say there are three sides to every story. What someone else sees, what I see and what God knows. God is the one to judge the quick and the dead.

In your friends situation where he can not get a licsense. Why does that matter really. If he is called then he is called by God not an organization. If he does not have a licsense there are other ways, places, and organizations that could "card him." If it just because of the wants to be in the UPC then the guy can go through Headquarters, express his opinion of this matter and get it resolved. If it is a matter of polotics, then he probably does not need to be in there anyway. Do you know what I mean? If polotics are keeping him out why then get in? He can fellowship the UPC with out the card.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Virtually every standard you can name is based on an application of some Biblical principle, Renda.

You may disagree with the application, but it cannot be said to be just opinion, with no Scriptural basis whatsoever.
Yea, but this creates a slippery slope because you could find a standard on just about anything including, for example, the OT admonisment to not eat catfish.

No one seems to have noticed or acknowledge Paul's statement that if you follow the law in even one element, you will be judged according to the entire law....the ENTIRE LAW...
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