Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4
What fell on his head?
AN old tree that fell onto another tree and thus, it did not fall to the ground. That tree had a huge limb on it and that was what hit him in the head as it fell to the ground.
His head is still really sore, but he is ok. It doesn't hurt unless you bump it or something. Last night one of the little boys crammed a cowboy hat down on his head and it like to have made him sick.
But let me tell you, that bump on the head didn't keep him from "throwing down some word" as Bro. White says. Whoooooo boy, did he preach last night. "The three-fold perspective of a worshipper" was his title and it was AWESOME if I do say so myself.
Anyway, thanks for the prayer. You guys are great.