A very reliable source has indicated that as of a few weeks ago the PPH has begun to destroy books authored by LB and CC. Apparently they will no longer be stocking these books. The PPH website still shows some materials on their website... however this seems to be the recourse taken.
This type of selective sanitizing/censorship/business decision is not new to the org. NAU allegedly had P. Dugas' books removed from the shelves for personal reasons. Also some materials by Tommy Tenney were nixed too ... when he left the org in the 90's.
Other materials and works have seen the axed or sanitized in the past for various other reasons.
Interestingly enough, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer and Rick Warren still have a home w/ PPH.
Would the org pull Reider's or Jasinki's books if questions about holy hair would persist and their was enough of a clamor?
WOW~! This makes one wonder if UPC doesnt actually stand for Uneasy Politburo Comrades!!!!! I can't believe (and then on second thought...YES I CAN BELIEVE!) that anything so SMALL could be done. Did you ever see any of the old Soviet photos of before and after of various Party gatherings, where after someone was purged they would be airbrushed out of the official photo?
I am becoming less and less enthused with the whole deal straight across the board, but the actions of the UPC certainly FAR outweigh anything that other groups have done including the ALJC and WPF. I am sick to my stomach to hear this.
Re: PPH destroys books authored by WWPF?- Rieder n
Originally Posted by MamaHen
That is insane!!!! Support a "false prophet" like Rick Warren, but excommunicate someone in the TRUTH simply because they don't agree with your man-made organization?
That's real "Christian."
Unfortunately that is the condition of the organization (s) that so many present day apostolic men and women and young people find themselves subjected to and indoctrinated by. Makes one want to rush out to the streets yelling
"Man the barricades!!! Smash the Boxes! Up with Jesus! Down with man made religion !!!!"
Re: PPH destroys books authored by WWPF?- Rieder n
Originally Posted by tstew
As a generalrule I try not to form an opinion about an occurence unless a.) I know it to be fact and b.) I know all of the pertinent details.
Just throwing this out there. Is it not conceivable that someone who used to be very high-profile in an organization, and then left on terms that included them feeling that said organization is heading in the wrong direction, may not want to appear associated with the organization. Is it not possible that they do not want their pictures and writings paraded by that organization lest it send the wrong message to their followers. Is it not possible that they now prefer their writings to be handled by their new preferred publishing house and do not want the previous organization to benefit from their book or from their appearance in their publications.
If I were a high-profile member of a group and I left on certain terms, I may not want that group to be able to still use my profile, name recognition, appearance, or have to have my followers have to reach my work through them.
Re: PPH destroys books authored by WWPF?- Rieder n
Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
Thanks for sharing this, and I can understand your frustration now.
I pretty much try to overlook the extremists on both sides, although sometimes I do allow myself to get dragged into the conversations, and then I'm upset with myself, lol.
Sounds like you're doing the right thing in praying for a right spirit. I enjoy reading your posts here, and would hate to see you leave. Some days you just have to shut the computer off and get away from it, and then come back.
Whatever you decide, I'd support you, but trust me, not all of us hate the UPC, even those of us who left it. And, not all who post what might appear to be anti-UPC threads are UPC haters, either. Sometimes it's catharctic, when you've been entrenched in something for so many years, it's hard to leave it and find balance immediately. You go back and forth a few times, and in the process come off as an extremist on either side - sometimes both at the same time!
But, we love you here, and I hope you can find the peace of mind you need to stay and post on the threads that uplift you, and avoid the ones that bring you down!
Thank you Michael for this post. I am so happy that my dear SIL /Cindy is going back to church. Your words encourage me also.