Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Does truth matter, Mark?
I love that phrase.
Dan, whether you want to accept it or not, your Hussein Obama
is an undercover muslim. he joined a so called " christain" church
(trinty UCC) if you can hardly call it that ( some here probably do!)
for political reasons. the church itself is a political church.
politicians say and do things all the time to win points( both Dems
& Rep). He joined a christian church because he had to.
Dan, the chances that you're gonna get your man in office is
very likely. It's no surprise anymore. America is is spiritually
going to hell so fast I can't even keep up anymore. This is just
one more nail in the coffin IMO. the spirit of anti christ is
blinding a lot of people- and some of them that are embracing
the spirit of this age is shocking to me to say the least