Originally Posted by Ron
Ferd, I can agree with your premise to a point, but then on the other hand I hear you say it is Stock Holders place to put pressure.
What if that same stock holder is making great dividends which is great for them, but what about the simple Joe & Mary sixpack with a couple a kids who are getting squeezed financially in Gas & food puchases?
Who speaks or protects them?
Are you suggesting that lowering the Gas price by some factor of 9% (what oil companies make on gas) is going to help Joe and Mary?
Dude, there are some serious forces at work that deserve attention but it isn’t the oil companies.
Did you know the Chinese government subsidizes oil imports? That means Chinese businesses are paying less than half what we are for their energy. Their demand is skyrocketing driving up the price.
Plus OPEC regulates the amount of oil they produce in order to keep prices where they want.
In America we could start to drill for oil here and off set the supply limitations that OPEC is creating but our liberal politicians would rather point at Exxon’s profits than be honest. (It’s called bait and switch)
Look this is by design! Liberals in America WANT to destroy the Crude based economy and they have decided to work to drive up the price of oil to get Americans motivated to move to something else! (Read Al Gores book, it’s actually in the book).
This is no conspiracy. It is the stated policy. We call it “being green” and it is the root cause of the current oil prices.