Originally Posted by Coonskinner
It could be, or it could simply be learned behavior.
Children learn what they live with.
Character issues are seldom "cured" by one laying on of hands.
Even if spirits are involved, they can be cast out, and the way they have bent the will and thinking of the individual they possessed still has to be changed by commitment to spiritual disciplines and renewing of the mind.
I heard a person ask her niece if she got in her purse.
The niece told her NO. Then the aunt asked her "are you sure"
The niece said NO again. So then the Aunt asked her if she got in it by accident?
Now here was a girl that was telling a lie, the Aunt knew she was. But she was trying to giving her an excuse, which was a lie too.
But the sad part this aunt is well known for being a liar too!
So I would say learned behavior can make a WHOLE family nothing but liars.
So tell me this: How do you break this!
A learned behavior i