Originally Posted by Coonskinner
Regardless of our disagreement on things, here is why TLC will NOT be placed under question if the officials in Mississippi have half a brain cell between them:
Placing that man under question would drive men en masse to pull out of the UPC via protest.
It would be stupidity of the highest order.
When solid men who are not radicals start pulling out, men like Godair and Craft, it might be time to take a long hard look at things.
So the next time a minister you consider Liberal starts calling other ministers in an effort to get them to leave the organization what will you say?
Putting him under question isn't about the subject, it's about his alleged unethical actions. If it's true he's calling men with the express purpose of trying to drive a wedge between them and the UPCI, then he needs to drop his license immediately, resign his church and leave the organization.
Otherwise he's lied to the organization by signing the license in the first place and going against the requirements and regulations that come with that license . . . and that would make him a ... (dare I say it?) ... liar.