Originally Posted by coadie
There are a lot of topics in your post.
I lived in sin in the world. Picked up a lady that was to become my wife. She and friends at the beech enjoyed the sun. No makep up in the yacht racing, beech volley ball crowd years ago but the sunworshippers sure did the tan and the skinpy swim suits. Even tanning is done for purposes of idolatry often times to get a look. (and melanoma later on) And I know folks that are tanned and it is not intentional. it just comes with what they do and has no objective.
I am opposed to most artifical colorations because the motives under them are the bigger problem
I'm not entirely opposed to this line of thought. I don't think that everyone has the same reasons for wearing makeup, though, so broad brushing with ill intent is never a really great idea.
I do agree that there are some self-esteem issues involved
sometimes, some women put it on to be seductive, and others are just following the norm presented by their culture. (Which provides no motivation--just a template to copy.)
Women are told they need to be pretty, and in order to be pretty, "this is what you must wear, and this is what you must look like." I have posted quite a few times in the past that I oppose the inequality of our cultural beauty standards. However, I'm not willing to malign the motives of every woman and girl at this point, beyond the point of following the mainstream with no interest other than being "pretty" and culturally acceptable.
This thread argues that it is all ok because the bible is not explicit about cosmetics. The bible is incredibly explicit about attitudes and cosmetics almost 100% are used and to the behavioral world are such an obvious display of attitudes. (they don't remind us of sack cloth and ashes)
Really, the Bible isn't all that explicit. That's what this thread is about--trying to dig up anything the Bible has to say about the matter. I think the conversation would have gotten a lot farther along if you hadn't been here as a distraction, but you are a lot of fun, I must admit.
I am ok with cosmetic surgery of a reconstructive nature. I am also aware of augmentatins and cosmetic revision surgeries often have latter side effects.
I agree with this as well--I have no problem with reparation surgeries, or surgeries that give a person with a deformity a normal appearance. I don't see the need to seriously augment one's body cosmetically, for no other reason. Some surgeries that take place, I really don't understand the reasoning behind them at all, but I have watched a couple of those shows (on TLC?), and several times I have seen a boyfriend or husband urging the wife or girlfriend to go ahead with the surgery. That is a factor here--the men in our society have been conditioned by Hollywood and the porn industry to expect a certain look--and they are either choosing women who have this look (causing other women to compete to get the man), or they are pressuring the women already in their lives to conform to that image.
To not recognize this effect in a woman's life and the decisions she makes in regard to appearance is erroneous. Even young girls very early on see the women that their father says is attractive, and they will emulate his choices--even if he tells
them to dress otherwise.
Cosmetics eye salve A&D ointments, lotions, scrubbing products cleansing, fragrances, shaving grooming, ex foliating, etc are fine
Paints, lipstick, colored nail polish, rouge, tattoos, mascara, eye shadow, no.
Piercings, loudly no!!!
This is how you've separated products according to your discretion. I have no problem with your choices, but your process wasn't biblical, it's personal. You're simply pushing away anything that adds color. While I understand that conviction, and somewhat agree with the premise, (of looking natural), the problem is that you can't (or shouldn't) condemn others to being in
sin who don't agree with your choices. If you had Bible it would be one thing, but since you don't, you're confined to expressing your personal convictions--not a biblical absolute. And nothing wrong with that--until you start calling your personal convictions biblical absolutes.
Now if the gossipers want to bristle, I will also tell them that the wiccans, witches pagans see our intent in using things as a way to be supportive of many of their core beliefs. that means for example, a satanist feels good seeing tattos. He sees it as having a common ground with him.
What gossipers, coadie?

Anyone who disagrees with your posts is a gossiper? You are not even making sense. Your post wasn't even that bad until this paragraph.
I don't like tattoos, personally. But what if the satanist sees a man with the word "Jesus" tattooed on his arm? Or the fish symbol across the back of his neck? Will he still identify that person as having common ground?
They need to learn how false religions think to see that purity and modesty really do set us appart. Purity and modesty inside and outside.
Here's a point I absolutely agree with you on. Purity and modesty. Inside and out.