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Old 03-12-2009, 09:33 AM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post

Nowhere to run? I have nothing to run from. You're the one running to the "church fathers" for help on this since you cant find even a shred of scripture to lean on. Your unwillingness to quote even one verse of scripture is an acknowledgement in a sense, that the scriptures dont back you on this.

Come on Luke. You're no dummy.
This here reflects one of the essential principles of logic, reason, and debate:

If I say I dont believe we should cosmetics is a sin... and you say it IS a sin... then the onus is on YOU to show biblically that it is a sin. And you have ZERO biblical support for your position... we both know that. You havent even quoted a single verse.

My decision to allow people liberty under God to exercise personal preference in this matter (since I dont see that scriputure, or "scriptural principle condemns it) does not need for me to find scripture to back me up.The one pointing the finger at his brother/sister is the one who needs to find scripture regarding what he's condemning.

Similarly, I might not like Mohawk haircuts... but if a kid in my church shows up with a Mohawk I'm not going to condemn him. However, if I found scripture (or scriptural priciple) regarding such a haircut. On the other hand, in my view, when people just dont like something, but choose to impose their personal pereferences on those issues and present it as doctrine, they're just placing unnecessary burdens on people that they know they really cant justify with scripture. I dont like big bright Easter hats, but I dont think I'd want my pastor to preach against big bright Easter hats just because he doesnt like them. After all, maybe the Lord doesnt have a problem with big bright easter hats. Just because I dont like something, doesnt mean the Lord has a problem with it.

That's why we have such wide variation in "standards" even among conservative Apostolic churches around the country. Our own pastors cant even agree on what to ban and what to allow when it comes to this stuff (even though they all will end up claiming "biblical principle" for whatever they choose to preach/teach against)... In the end, a lot of it comes down to "house rules", or "pastor's preference", which I have no problem with if it's taught as being just thats. Unfortunately, too many of our churches try to present it as "doctrine", (especially doctrine with salvational ramifications), and I think that's unfortunate, to say the least.

If you want to have a personal conviction regarding cosmetics, fine. But I'm not sure God wants you going around trying to impose your conviction on others, especially when you have nothing in his Word to support your position.

And that's that! Another great post. TR on fire...
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Old 03-12-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
If he is harassing you via PM - please report it to admins.
He wasn't harassing me. I just wanted to make a point that I am not a gossiper.
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Old 03-12-2009, 04:56 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
It's no wonder coadie's wife can stay home with their children, if he makes that much money. Makes it kind of hard to condemn women who work, because their husbands only bring in, say, $20/hour or so. Let's say the wife only makes $15/hour at a secretarial job--that's $35/hour, which is just a little over 10% of what coadie makes per hour.

And then there are single mothers, who make even less. (one income)

Isn't that disingenuous, coadie, for you to be critical of people who are working to make ends meet, when you are apparently wealthy, and your wife would never need to work with you making such a salary?

By the way, did you ever get around to thinking about your own "gossipy" conversations? Any answer on that?
Gossip about posters wives?

Gossipers always justify it.

Cosmetics. The church gossips seem to talk about women and what they paint on.
Do you always talk about people wives? In public? we all know most of gossip is private. the heavy dyty gossips are bold and toalk about men's wives in public.

A couple of gossips can do a whole lot more damage than a new saint that doesn't fit in looks wise. I take it you talk about incomes of people you don't know with others?

Medical offices
discussion of people's income is totally against the law.
But "church gossips" it is ok?

To the Lurkers.
this thread has had 500 Views today. That is more than go to most churches. Don't decide not to go to a church because of the risk of gossip.
Lurkers, we have rules Professionals abide by in business that respect privacy. Some churches do also.

Gossip can be defined as idle talk or writing about another person or situation, regardless of fact. It can also be defined as, malicious or slanderous talk or writing about another person or situation with desire or intention to hurt them. It can also be defined as talk or writing about another person or situation in order to turn another’s opinion against that person or situation. Gossip can be truth or falsehood, but it is still gossip.
Talebearing can be defined as a negative story, a false report, or gossip. It can be defined as one who spitefully informs against another.

Nosey folks want your first and last name, degrees, income and where you are from Not safe to give it out.

We know Private messaging in this is extremely heavy today.
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Old 03-12-2009, 05:00 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I think coadie is a wanna be.
This is gossip about another poster. This is why your nosey questions about my background should be ignored.

fast food workers are even trained not to toss crude comments out there about customers.

Do you know why you do this?
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Old 03-12-2009, 05:06 PM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
This is gossip about another poster. This is why your nosey questions about my background should be ignored.

fast food workers are even trained not to toss crude comments out there about customers.

Do you know why you do this?
I just remembered that you are a poster at GNC! The impatient poster on the political thread we used to have!

Have you ever been banned from GNC? I'm just wondering.
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Old 03-12-2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: Cosmetics???

So far there hasn't been any real discussion of cosmetics and scriptures...no evidence it's a sin to use cosmetics
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Old 03-12-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
So far there hasn't been any real discussion of cosmetics and scriptures...no evidence it's a sin to use cosmetics
So far no one has provided scripture against makeup. Only thing presented is does God speak for makeup.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

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Old 03-12-2009, 10:56 PM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Gossip about posters wives?

Gossipers always justify it.
Gossip? It's common knowledge that your wife is a SAHM, just like I am! LOL!!! You talk about it all the time. I think she should be commended for that! YOU are the one I'm addressing. You're always talking about living frugally, and condemning women for working outside the home, but you apparently (by your own voluntary admission) make so much money that your wife has no NEED to work.

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm still addressing you, and comments you've made.

Cosmetics. The church gossips seem to talk about women and what they paint on.
Eh? Then why are you on the cosmetics thread? Calling women names who wear makeup? Maligning the character of women who cover up the dark circles under their eyes? That's Christian how?

Do you always talk about people wives? In public? we all know most of gossip is private. the heavy dyty gossips are bold and toalk about men's wives in public.
I'm not a gossip. LOL!!!! Good luck with that! You should have been on the old FCF when I first met Thad and his "Thad's Tab." You really don't have a clue.

A couple of gossips can do a whole lot more damage than a new saint that doesn't fit in looks wise. I take it you talk about incomes of people you don't know with others?

Medical offices
discussion of people's income is totally against the law.
But "church gossips" it is ok?

To the Lurkers.
this thread has had 500 Views today. That is more than go to most churches. Don't decide not to go to a church because of the risk of gossip.
Lurkers, we have rules Professionals abide by in business that respect privacy. Some churches do also.
Hilarious that you think those 500 views have to do with you. I have news for you--they're probably here to read about cosmetics. Standards threads get all the attention!

Careful what you say about whisperers and backbiters. You might point a few fingers at yourself.

Nosey folks want your first and last name, degrees, income and where you are from Not safe to give it out.

We know Private messaging in this is extremely heavy today.
Is it? Aren't you the one that was private messaging people earlier? I thought Mrs. McD said something about it on this thread....

I've sent one PM all day, and it was about 4 sentences long. Not sure I'd call that "heavy."

Here's the deal: You use your credentials to give your arguments weight. If you are going to do that, no one is going to let them CARRY weight, unless you prove your credentials. If you don't want to pull them out of your pocket--that's fine--just don't go around bragging about them.

Personally, I think some of your posts on the economy and politics are really great. But if you're going to discuss scriptural matters, you shouldn't come to the table empty handed, and then try to convince us all that you're so educated that we have to accept your word as Gospel. That's just silly. We don't know you from ADAM, therefore we'd all be foolish to give what you say ANY weight at all, especially if what you are saying lacks logic, sound reasoning, or in this case, even scriptural support.

Now, you can continue the little "gossip" game if you want, but it's so silly, I'm tired of it already. Anyone who has been on this board for a good length of time knows that I am no gossip. In fact, I once got banned for 3 days (or it might have been 7) because I posted a PM that I thought was too gossipy in the open forum. Not a good decision, but just to illustrate the point that I keep things in the open. I'm blunt, straight forward, and I don't mind asking people direct questions.

You can't have it both ways, you know. You can't accuse me of talking in the open because I "want an audience", and then turn around and accuse me of gossiping in private, being a "whisperer." The truth is, it's neither. You're the one who has been the drama queen on this thread. Not me.

I'm still surprised that you come from a Mennonite background. The Mennonites I know are very soft-spoken, kind, quiet people. You don't come across that way at all.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."

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Old 03-13-2009, 05:53 AM
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Now, you can continue the little "gossip" game if you want, but it's so silly, I'm tired of it already. Anyone who has been on this board for a good length of time knows that I am no gossip.
I'll vouch for you!!!

Of course he's being absurd! You are one of the most fair, level headed, well-respected posters here.
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:07 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Cosmetics???

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I just remembered that you are a poster at GNC! The impatient poster on the political thread we used to have!

Have you ever been banned from GNC? I'm just wondering.
More gossip?
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