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Old 02-14-2008, 08:41 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Mark, you are my friend and have been for a long time. I dont want to offend you but I want to speak very plainly.

You are dead wrong on this Mark. When Larry Craig did what he did, there wasnt silence. there was just simple statements. He was a republican and therefore, the Republicans would force him to resign. which is exactly what has happened. There was no need for hand wringing.

of course, there are immoral republicans. But Republicans deal with it. Dems dont and that is the point.

I am sorry my friend but you and Chris dont get to chime in on morality issues related to the republican party. You have no moral leg to stand on.
FERD, I just think you guys have been a little too harsh on christopher.
He's a man that's going thru a lot in his life and I think you all need to ease up on him a little.
you know I vote republican I've told you before I can't vote for someone who doesn't match my moral beliefs.but to say that only Republicans can point out the faults of Republicans is ridiculous.
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Old 02-14-2008, 08:42 AM
malacchio malacchio is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

I will make this very simple.. If you vote for Barack Obama you don't love God, and I will go one step further.. you are a God hater. He stands for everything God hates.
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Old 02-14-2008, 08:55 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by malacchio View Post
I will make this very simple.. If you vote for Barack Obama you don't love God, and I will go one step further.. you are a God hater. He stands for everything God hates.
Yep...God would hate if if my grandmother had affordable prescription drugs. He'd rather she just give up and die so as not to be a "burden" on society. I'm sure God loves the fact that 18,000 people die a year from treatable illnesses simply because they can't afford health insurance or their insurer refuses to cover their treatments.

This is why most Americans think Christianity is a sham. Frankly, the church in America is nothing but another Republican Political Action Committee. And from what I'm seeing here...by and large they're right.

Some of us are out to change the politicla discourse, impact the Democratic Party, and confront the Republicans on their greed and social degradation.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-14-2008, 08:59 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Frankly, the Democratic party espouses so many ungodly positions that you can't fix them.

Republicans aren't a lot better in some ways, but they do adhere more closely to a moral framework we can identify with.

But how you can get in bed with folks that are for abortion, gun control and gay rights is beyond me.
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Old 02-14-2008, 08:59 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by malacchio View Post
I will make this very simple.. If you vote for Barack Obama you don't love God, and I will go one step further.. you are a God hater. He stands for everything God hates.

I tend to agree with this maybe not quite as drastic but I do believe that Obama is anti christian and a muslim. we've already argued over this and nothing will change my mind so no use.
If America votes Obama into office, we will have a muslim as a president
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Old 02-14-2008, 09:57 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
FERD, I just think you guys have been a little too harsh on christopher.
He's a man that's going thru a lot in his life and I think you all need to ease up on him a little.
you know I vote republican I've told you before I can't vote for someone who doesn't match my moral beliefs.but to say that only Republicans can point out the faults of Republicans is ridiculous.
Mark, maybe I have been too hard on Chris in some of this.
I have not been too hard in stating that a democrat cannot talk about the moral failures of Republicans though.

I am sorry for anyone who has gone thru difficulties. My empathy stems from having walked the path myself. If I appear to be unsympathetic, I assure you that is not the case. I do however, tend to loose patience with those who want others to fix their problems.

I have seen my family loose everything. by everything I mean, everything. house, 2 cars, community, everything. I have seen pastors I have trusted turn to sin, and I have seen my father loose his standing in the community because of bankruptsy.

I have suffered personally at the hands of preachers and I have faced medical bills that make grown men cry.

I have walked the path and ever expected anything other than Gods grace, and my own commitment to stand in the face of what ever I had to deal with.

so, when I see someone who appears to be jaded because the governement or their church family didnt come to their aid, I have a difficulty. Not because I am unsympathetic, but because I know what it takes to move THRU it.

Now dealing with this issue of Democrats pointing out the moral failures of Republicans.

First, lets be clear, the Republican party has plenty of men how are moral failures on many levels. likely if you count them as individuals, the numbers are pretty equal between the parties.

But Mark you have to admit, when that moral failure comes to light, Democrats rally around the Perp and make him/her a hero, where Republicans require their fellows to face the music and most of the time, Republicans REQUIRE retirement from public life.

Therefore, I will NEVER allow a person who supports a democrat to speak about republicans moral failures. it is the hight of hypocracy I will will point it out every time.
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Old 02-14-2008, 10:05 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Chris, you are completely wrong on every account here.

The Economy is still pretty strong considering the lending practices that CONGRESS mandated that have led to our current situation.

Please note that America has not seen a serious ressession since hte 70's. the current slowdown has not yet qualified as a ressession and it is possible that it wont. no one believes the slowdown will match 2000 when we had the last slow down. (under bill clinton)

the war is not a failure by any streatch, we are seeing a vast improvement in Iraq. in the last week there have been political victories for us that are beginning to prove the surge is working.

GWB has appointed 2 justices to the supreme court that give a chance of forcing the abortion issue back to congress where it belongs and out of the courts.

Only liberals think things are bad. and for them it is because the government isnt taking everyones money and telling everyone how to live their lives, and sorry my friend YOU may thing that is a good thing but I dont!

The lending practices were not “mandated” by congress. If you look into the issue movers and shakers in the lending and banking industry have been pushing for deregulation for years. Their whole argument was that all the government regulations were costing them extra money to navigate the bureaucratic process and shutting out millions of “potential borrowers” from being able to borrow and home homes etc. These “big government regulations” were just causing too much grief and sorrow. Guess where they found their voice….the Republican Party. The lending and banking industry began heavily lobbying Republicans to “deregulate” lending. When the Republicans swept Congress the Republican agenda began to roll. On the agenda, de-regulate lending. So the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS deregulated lending and opened the door for all these shifty and predatory lending practices that allowed them to exploit using adjustable rate mortgages. Then to make matters worse after the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS passed legislation containing all these “de-regulatory measures” the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT signed bills that brought these attached line items into law.

Ferd, responsibility for the entire home mortgage fiasco lays at the feed of the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS and the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT that signed these deregulatory measures into law. Now we see why all those regulations were in place. All of this could have been prevented if they didn’t go around deregulating us into Wild West like predatory lending practices.

The recession is complicated. I’ll be honest, Bush isn’t entirely responsible for the recession either, but our deficits and national debt certainly aren’t helping the value of the dollar.

You say the war is a whopping success and that we are having vast improvement in Iraq. Yes, their showing improvements because of the surge. I agree. But the moment we’re out of there they will do what every other Arab democracy has done. They will either dissolve over infighting and a militant regime will rise or the population will become outraged at the West and vote in extremists. Democracy is a dangerous thing to put into the hands of volatile Islamic politics. Right now estimates are showing that the war is costing us hundreds of billions of dollars and it is looking like it’s going to cost over a trillion dollars. And in the end…we’re not going to see a Westernized Iraqi Democracy where they all put their hands over their hearts, love the US, and sing. Nope, it’s going to fall. You can’t force democracy on a people, especially a people whose cultural mores are anti-democratic. But let’s be real. I believe if we’re honest with ourselves we know that this is all about oil. I believe the globalists are trying to secure as much Middle East oil before the Russians or China makes their move to do the same. Bush is a globalist pawn and the powers behind the scene are trying to build a puppet government in Iraq for this purpose. You can’t have a one world government without the control of a significant amount of oil and resources.

The Supreme Court isn’t going to overturn Roe. Nothing is going to change about abortion with a “conservative” court. Already 7 out of 9 were appointed by Republicans…and we see how well that’s turned out. This is just another scare tactic. I’ll tell you what should be worrying you. It should be worrying you that corporate power is about to lock up the Judiciary into their back pocket. Here’s a question I’d like to ask a Supreme Court Nominee:

- Do corporations deserve First Amendment protections and was that the intent of our Founding Fathers?
- Should we recognize “corporate personhood” as Constitutional.

You might find this as a surprise but late Justice Rehnquist, one of the most conservative Justices, dissented to the idea of “corporate personhood” and corporate free speech rights strongly. Justice Rehnquist said, "Extension of the individual's freedom of conscience decisions to business corporations strains the rationale of those cases beyond the breaking point." He also stated, "To ascribe to such artificial entities an 'intellect' or 'mind' for freedom of conscience purposes is to confuse metaphor with reality." Historical precident is that our Founding Fathers took a strong stand against what they called, "the aristocracy of our monied corporations." They knew that corporate power could subvert democracy and destroy the Republic. And brother, that’s what we’re seeing. It’s just some are too blind by political bias to see it. We are virtually at a day in America where unelected corporate power is king and democracy is only a popularity contest. Corporate powers shouldn’t be king makers. They should stick to making money. A corporation certainly cannot speak for all of its share holders. They should stick to business and not poison the democratic process with their money and power. I believe their should be strict guidelines to corporate involvement in politics. I also believe in a three strikes your out rule for corporations. If they are found in violation of the law three times…revoke their corporate charter. Make corporations responsible to the people they have been chartered to serve. I firmly believe that one day there will be a coup in America and democracy will be suspended as powerful men in political offices secure their authority until further notice. I believe that this will be brought on by a fabricated crisis, funded primarily by the corporate and monied powers working behind the scene. In that day unelected corporations will have control over our military (or power to cut it’s beans and bullets) and essential infrastructure. Most corporations are law abiding entities serving the public good in many ways. But it seems the most powerful corporations have become bloated beasts focused on a corporate take over of the United States.

We're nearly there already. Only democracy his holding up their plans.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-14-2008, 10:05 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Mark, maybe I have been too hard on Chris in some of this.
I have not been too hard in stating that a democrat cannot talk about the moral failures of Republicans though.

I am sorry for anyone who has gone thru difficulties. My empathy stems from having walked the path myself. If I appear to be unsympathetic, I assure you that is not the case. I do however, tend to loose patience with those who want others to fix their problems.

I have seen my family loose everything. by everything I mean, everything. house, 2 cars, community, everything. I have seen pastors I have trusted turn to sin, and I have seen my father loose his standing in the community because of bankruptsy.

I have suffered personally at the hands of preachers and I have faced medical bills that make grown men cry.

I have walked the path and ever expected anything other than Gods grace, and my own commitment to stand in the face of what ever I had to deal with.

so, when I see someone who appears to be jaded because the governement or their church family didnt come to their aid, I have a difficulty. Not because I am unsympathetic, but because I know what it takes to move THRU it.

Now dealing with this issue of Democrats pointing out the moral failures of Republicans.

First, lets be clear, the Republican party has plenty of men how are moral failures on many levels. likely if you count them as individuals, the numbers are pretty equal between the parties.

But Mark you have to admit, when that moral failure comes to light, Democrats rally around the Perp and make him/her a hero, where Republicans require their fellows to face the music and most of the time, Republicans REQUIRE retirement from public life.

Therefore, I will NEVER allow a person who supports a democrat to speak about republicans moral failures. it is the hight of hypocracy I will will point it out every time.

Good post Ferd- had no idea that you had been thru so much! hope that was all in the past and nothing recent
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Old 02-14-2008, 11:01 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Lots of letters Chris. not much more than that.
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Old 02-14-2008, 12:21 PM
RunningOnFaith RunningOnFaith is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post

You are dead wrong on this Mark. When Larry Craig did what he did, there wasnt silence. there was just simple statements. He was a republican and therefore, the Republicans would force him to resign. which is exactly what has happened. There was no need for hand wringing.
Larry Craig is STILL a U.S. Senator, as is another "Social Conservative" David Vitter, who was a long time patron of a call girl until he got caught.
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