Originally Posted by Sam
Bro. Kidson was one of the old timers.
My brother-in-law was a kid going to the UPC Bible School in Houston years ago and met Bro. Kidson. I think it was in a dusty old office that seemed like a time warp.
What is the title of the book?
and do you know if it is still available for sale some where?
I don't rememberr the name of the book and would look it up if I were at home. I will be back home this weekend and will answer that question. But, the book is out of print. I bought it many years ago in Houston in the used book section of the "Pentecostal Book Store," (now defunct) on East Tex Fwy.
Yes, brother Kidson had a Bilble School in Houston as well as a church too. His son-in-law, Gordon MaGhee later assumed pastorate of the church. The church is currently named "Elim Tabernacle." I'm not even sure if they are still oneness. I've found it amazing how things turn out in the end once the drift begins. It seems the drift has begun everywhere, even in places I thought never would do so.
A funny side note in regards to Bro. Gordon Magee, probably one of the most brilliant minds of Oneness theology in his day, also the author of "Is Jesus in the Godhead or is the Godhead in Jesus," still widely circulated by the UPCI publishing house.
Bro. MaGhee, inspite of being a UPCI preacher and pastor, took his church on a picnic and swimming trip down to Galveston. Everyone went swimming in their own swim wear...brother and YIKES!!!!...sisters too!!! (YES, sister Gertrude Finkledorf's cellulite was fully exposed)
Word drifted back to brother Guidroz and the Dist. Board. Not willing to let it go, the Tex. Board called bro. MaGhee in to answer some question in regards to that days' activies, particularly about the great swimming event. He was asked if it was true that there was "mixed bathing," among the brothers and sisters? To this repeatedly asked question, he vehemently denied. No action was taken against him or his church.
Some times later, someone asked him how it was that he could deny the mixed bathing question. He said, "No problem. There was not even one bar of soap among us."
You would have to have known brother MaGhee to really appreciate this. He had a brilliant mind, quick wit and a sense of humor that would keep you rolling on the floor with his sense of humor.