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Old 02-23-2019, 01:04 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
That was fulfilled in Acts ch 2, some 2000 years ago. The original apostolic preacher, Peter, said so. That's Bible.

Like I said, can't see past your own apron. Not interested in seeing where we've been, where we are, and what led to it.

Chemtrails? While not all that important, a wee bit more interesting topic than Xmas decorations or cookie recipes. But I wouldn't expect you to get that. You're not here to learn anything, remember?
"The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call."

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Old 02-23-2019, 08:37 PM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
What in the world do Chemtrails and other fearmongering topics have to do with the Prophets of old or prophecy in general?
Because prophets stand in the presence of God, in His council, and because they fear Him, He reveals His mysteries to them, like the nature of the reality of things, including the future, particularly as those things that affect the church, but also the world at large.

So what if the Presbyterian church has gay ministers. The Catholics always have.
Those two groups represent a version of "God" to millions and millions, and in the case of Catholics, to over a billion people. To be openly or secretly approving of any kind of sin, homosexuality included, in the clergy or otherwise, is to either explicitly or implicitly indicate that "God" approves of any kind of sin, including homosexuality. And that is a stronghold of demonic proportions the likes of which many, if not most of those millions and billions will never see come down, no matter how hard you preach and teach or pray.

That results in countless people completely blind to the Gospel which we preach, with eternal damnation the cost.

That's why it matters.

What does any of that have to do with the people of the name - you know - Jesus and not YHVH XYZ?
Your disrespect of the Tetragrammaton notwithstanding, see above.

We shouldn't broadbrush any group that believes there is a God for the ones that actually serve Him in truth. That's all I am saying.
That isn't all you're saying, because that isn't anywhere near all you've said.

The Word says that in the last days, He will pour out of Spirit upon all flesh.
And few there be that find eternal life in that Spirit, meaning, having the Spirit poured out on all flesh doesn't mean that all, or even most flesh, will avail themselves of that pouring.

That doesn't sound like we are headed toward doomsday to me.
I think you are misconstruing the meaning of the verse; see above.

Amerika is GONE - It's OVER - WE are DOOMED.

I hope you are right. But what if you are not?
For anyone devoted to His fear:


Last edited by votivesoul; 02-23-2019 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 02-24-2019, 09:05 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Because prophets stand in the presence of God, in His council, and because they fear Him, He reveals His mysteries to them, like the nature of the reality of things, including the future, particularly as those things that affect the church, but also the world at large.
Of course I agree with what you say on the role of a prophet. However, are you saying that you believe that Esaias is a prophet and giving a warning regarding Chemtrails on God's command?

Those two groups represent a version of "God" to millions and millions, and in the case of Catholics, to over a billion people. To be openly or secretly approving of any kind of sin, homosexuality included, in the clergy or otherwise, is to either explicitly or implicitly indicate that "God" approves of any kind of sin, including homosexuality. And that is a stronghold of demonic proportions the likes of which many, if not most of those millions and billions will never see come down, no matter how hard you preach and teach or pray.

That results in countless people completely blind to the Gospel which we preach, with eternal damnation the cost.

That's why it matters.
Of course I agree, that it matters what they are doing. However, I do not ever agree that we should lump these groups into the term "Christian" along with those that follow the Doctrine of Christ, which the Apostles preached.

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8

Your disrespect of the Tetragrammaton notwithstanding, see above.
His name is Jesus.

That isn't all you're saying, because that isn't anywhere near all you've said.
The premise of what I am saying is that we shouldn't lump every group into the church of Jesus Christ as they simply do not follow the Gospel and are therefore not truly Christians.

And few there be that find eternal life in that Spirit, meaning, having the Spirit poured out on all flesh doesn't mean that all, or even most flesh, will avail themselves of that pouring.

I think you are misconstruing the meaning of the verse; see above.
Most people I know believe that "many are called and few chosen" to mean that the ones chosen are the "on all flesh". Obviously, not everyone desires to accept the call of Jesus Christ.

I hope you are right. But what if you are not?
LOL! I'll let you hang out with Esaias on the "what if you are not?" Who wants live in that frame of mind being filled with His Spirit?
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Old 02-24-2019, 03:27 PM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Of course I agree with what you say on the role of a prophet. However, are you saying that you believe that Esaias is a prophet and giving a warning regarding Chemtrails on God's command?
You are unfairly diminishing all that Esaias has posted on over the last year or two to one thread about chemtrails. As he himself has stated, in the overall scheme of things, chemtrails are a minor issue.

So, I am indicating that if you pay attention to the entire oeuvre of Esaias' content here at AFF, you see what I believe to be a very prophetic insight into the Holy Scriptures, but also the way things are playing out in the world.

Of course I agree, that it matters what they are doing. However, I do not ever agree that we should lump these groups into the term "Christian" along with those that follow the Doctrine of Christ, which the Apostles preached.
That's fine, but I must have missed where anyone lumped any one of these groups into anything.

His name is Jesus.
Jesus' name is Jesus. But what is His Father's name, the one He said He would write on the overcomers in Philadelphia? However, to answer, a different thread ought to be in order.

The premise of what I am saying is that we shouldn't lump every group into the church of Jesus Christ as they simply do not follow the Gospel and are therefore not truly Christians.
That's a fine premise, but as I already stated, you've made claims here and in other threads related to this topic that far exceed the content of your premise given above.

Most people I know believe that "many are called and few chosen" to mean that the ones chosen are the "on all flesh". Obviously, not everyone desires to accept the call of Jesus Christ.
So then, reconcile your point. If the few are the "on all flesh", and that's all it means, then only a very small number of humans are ever going to be saved, meaning the world at large is in fact DOOMED.

LOL! I'll let you hang out with Esaias on the "what if you are not?" Who wants live in that frame of mind being filled with His Spirit?
I think it's naive to not consider in any situation, what could possibly go wrong. And when we are dealing with the state of the world, of our nation, and our culture, to not be paying attention, to offer up mere platitudes, and otherwise be nonchalant about the real possibility of the fall of the West, is a mistake.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 02-24-2019, 06:01 PM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
I think it's naive to not consider in any situation, what could possibly go wrong. And when we are dealing with the state of the world, of our nation, and our culture, to not be paying attention, to offer up mere platitudes, and otherwise be nonchalant about the real possibility of the fall of the West, is a mistake.
The West is falling as we speak, and has for a long time. WW1 and WW2 were major blows that helped knock it down, as was the War Between the States (the underlying causes of which went waaaay beyond ending chattel slavery) and most importantly the so called Enlightenment.

We're witnessing the final last gasps of Western Christian Civilisation. The important thing, though, is to be aware and not fall victim to the alien onslaught (not merely foreigners, but foreign, unbiblical ideologies), to prepare your children and grandchildren to keep the flame of Truth alive.

It WILL happen. There was going to be an ark, no matter what. If Noah blew it off, God would either have found someone else, or scrapped it all and started over. The future isn't what's at stake, not really. It's our participation in it that is at stake, either as overcomers and victors, or as statistics future generations will wonder about and then eventually forget.

I intend my offspring to inherit the earth (Psalm 25:12-13), not be a long-dead fading memory because every succeeding generation they drifted farther and farther from God's Word and descended deeper and deeper into ignorance and lies and inane distractions (Hosea 4:6).
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Old 02-25-2019, 09:04 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
You are unfairly diminishing all that Esaias has posted on over the last year or two to one thread about chemtrails. As he himself has stated, in the overall scheme of things, chemtrails are a minor issue.
I have agreed with him many times on Theology threads and posts. On other issues, i.e., politics, etc., we hardly ever agree.

My mindset is that I wouldn't study God's powerful, lovely Word and then veer off to follow Big Foot or Chemtrails around. It just doesn't make sense to me.

So, I am indicating that if you pay attention to the entire oeuvre of Esaias' content here at AFF, you see what I believe to be a very prophetic insight into the Holy Scriptures, but also the way things are playing out in the world.
I don't view intense study and awareness of the world around us as being a Prophet or a Prophetess. Those are terms that should never be thrown around lightly. And, apparently, He agrees with your assessment, as he doesn't refute his title you've given him.

Jesus' name is Jesus. But what is His Father's name, the one He said He would write on the overcomers in Philadelphia? However, to answer, a different thread ought to be in order.
God is who He was before He was given a NAME when He was manifested in the flesh. I'm not impressed with archaic terms and language, sorry.

So then, reconcile your point. If the few are the "on all flesh", and that's all it means, then only a very small number of humans are ever going to be saved, meaning the world at large is in fact DOOMED.
It's God's number, of which we have no certainty. His "glorious" church can't be viewed as "DOOMED". Ephesians 5:27 That should always be our focus, the church.

I think it's naive to not consider in any situation, what could possibly go wrong. And when we are dealing with the state of the world, of our nation, and our culture, to not be paying attention, to offer up mere platitudes, and otherwise be nonchalant about the real possibility of the fall of the West, is a mistake.
I have been fortunate to read a lot of good books with testimonial lives of people who have seen and have experienced, who see and experience the power of God's Spirit working. Looking around, at any time, at a "possible" DOOM seems to defeat the purpose of living a victorious life in Christ.

I remember when our children asked us why we were not stock piling to get ready for Y2K. We simply responded that God had not instructed us to do so, and that we must be very careful not to get caught up in fear mongering and alarmist theories that will come and go.

I remain of that attitude today. God has not spoken to me at any time about DOOM and GLOOM on the horizon. In one of my prayer times last week, the Lord instructed me to pray that a revival would break out in Germany among the Muslim population that would spread to France and Denmark. The prayer has gone out, and I am sure along with others who I will never know prayed with me, and we will see this happen. When? That is God's business, but I certainly will not be wringing my hands waiting for it.

I don't understand a Holy Ghost filled person looking for DOOM and our demise around every corner. Sorry, I just don't get it.

At God's direction, I am able to lay hands on a person and they will be healed. At God's direction, I can be used in any and all the gifts of the Spirit. That should be our focus, IMO. At any MOMENT, God can do anything.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 02-25-2019 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 02-25-2019, 09:11 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The West is falling as we speak,

We're witnessing the final last gasps of Western Christian Civilisation.

It WILL happen.
I intend my offspring to inherit the earth
How, when nothing is left, as you have stated - "FINAL LAST GASPS OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION"!!!

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Old 02-25-2019, 10:23 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Back on topic.

After deploying with the Air National Guard to the southern border, Rep. Adam Kinzinger said he supports President Trump's emergency declaration.

"What I saw was really disturbing," Kinzinger said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"If this was just about immigration I would disagree. I do think this is a security threat. It’s a security threat with the amount of drugs coming over the border and the human trafficking that I’ve seen. And again in Arizona, I think they said last year there were 200 bodies at least that they found in the desert," Kinzinger said.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And we’re going to turn now to Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger who’s in Chicago but he is just freshly back from the border. He was serving with the Air National Guard at the border where he was flying surveillance missions out of Tucson, Arizona. Congressman this wasn’t your first border deployment. It’s the first one under the national emergency. Does it constitute a national emergency?

REPRESENTATIVE ADAM KINZINGER: Yeah I think it does. You know, I went down there kind of undecided. You know I- I put on my lieutenant colonel hat, was apolitical but obviously I’m looking at this, getting the information I can. And I think if this was just an issue of immigration it wouldn’t constitute a national emergency but what I saw was really disturbing. Let me give you just a couple of quick examples and I was just a small part of all the operations that were being done.

We found at one point a woman hunkered down in the desert because her coyotes who brought her over deserted her because they wanted to get away. Had she actually not been found by us I don’t know if she’d been able to find her way home. So yeah, she got picked up by Border Patrol, she’s going to be deported, but that was a way better option than being one of the 200, at least, bodies they end up finding in the desert every year.

And keep in mind I’ve done this, you know, we had a mission where we found 70 pounds of methamphetamines on somebody that was coming over and I’m just a very small part of that. This is the fourth time I’ve been to the border, my first time in Arizona, completely different terrain than my prior in Texas. Texas by the way, I was there under President Obama. So the Guard’s mission on the border is nothing new.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But border apprehensions are near a 50 year low. So when you’re talking about an emergency and- and you have border state governors tell you that’s just not what they’re seeing, how do you justify sending as much as 6,000 active duty troops?

REP. KINZINGER: Well what I didn’t see is a low in apprehension. I mean there were- there were beyond- you’d get calls of —

MARGARET BRENNAN: That’s according to Customs and Border Patrol.

REP. KINZINGER: That’s fine. That’s fine. I’m saying, what- from my experience there were many, many groups that we would see on technology with camera radar or something like that that we could not go address because there were not enough Border Patrol agents. These agents sometimes left to take a truck and then walk two miles through terrible terrain to get to these groups only to have them run while they’re already exhausted and they get lost in that chaos. So is it down? Maybe.

Part of that’s because now they’ve understood how to abuse the asylum laws in this country. You have a lot of folks from countries that are not declaring asylum in Mexico where they should be because it’s the first country where they can actually declare safety and coming here they’ve learned how to do that. So now you have this crisis basically of- which I don’t think the actual migration or the calling for asylum isn’t of itself a crisis. But you now have a massive amount of people doing that. But I’ll tell you what I saw was a lot of people coming over the border, a lot of drugs in the border and a lot of human trafficking. I mean these coyotes that would get paid a lot of money to bring groups over and then desert them to save their own backside. It was extremely disturbing.

So am I understanding that with the picture you’re painting, am I understanding that you believe the president’s declaration of a national emergency is constitutional and that you will not vote to try to block it.

REP. KINZINGER: Yeah I won’t vote to try to block it. Look, I- I wish this would have happened a different way. I voted for comprehensive immigration reform. I think Republicans, the Democrats both have good ideas on immigration that we ought to all —

MARGARET BRENNAN: But do you think this is constitutional for the president–


MARGARET BRENNAN: –to bypass the power of the purse strings of Congress?

REP. KINZINGER: I do. Yes. Yes, because in this case like I said at the beginning, if this was just about immigration I would disagree. I do think this is a security threat. It’s a security threat with the amount of drugs coming over the border and the human trafficking that I’ve seen. And again in Arizona, I think they said last year there were 200 bodies at least that they found in the desert. It is not compassionate as your prior guest said to basically say, “We’re not going to do border security because in essence would encourage people to come across the border.”

It’s compassionate to say do it the right way. Do it- we’re going to have a secure border. We’re going to have an immigration system that is welcoming in which I fully believe in, doing it the right way instead of forcing in some cases very innocent people to pay the drug cartels, to pay the cartels money, to Coyote them into a very dangerous part of this country and then abandon them when the- when the heat gets too hot.

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Old 02-25-2019, 04:47 PM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
How, when nothing is left, as you have stated - "FINAL LAST GASPS OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION"!!!

Don't worry about it, sister. It's obvious you can't understand what I write, so we'll just call it good and move on.
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Old 02-26-2019, 09:04 AM
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Re: On Trump's National Emergency Call

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Don't worry about it, sister. It's obvious you can't understand what I write, so we'll just call it good and move on.
IE, keep your apron on and stay in the kitchen, woman!


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