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Old 07-09-2018, 03:27 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Religious abuse comes in many different shapes and sizes. One is often seen in the area of healing. Some would preach and teach a message that actually encourages those in much needed medication to cease taking their medication for the sake of their eternal salvation. Many televangelists are guilty of this. There are numerous stories of how people have ceased taking medication as an act of faith for their healing, with serious repercussions.

The "lurkers" who read these posts could be influenced to cease taking their meds over some of the over the top condemnations of medication in these threads. I'm wanting to make something perfectly clear. God often heals. At other times, He chooses not to. We do not always know why, but this is a reality we must have the courage to accept. However, when God chooses to heal, He can heal through any medication anyone is taking. In fact, I've known folks whose medication began making them ill because their condition was miraculously healed, and they didn't even know it. Under no circumstance do I want to give the impression that one has to give up any form of medication to receive divine healing.

Religious abusers would condemn, berate, and even painfully ridicule those who take medication for serious health conditions or debilitating symptoms. They don't care about the suffering that could take place in the wake of their dogma.

If you're reading any of these posts, and you are on any kind of medication to treat a serious condition, or the symptoms relating to a serious condition, do not cease taking your medications if they are helping you. Seek healing and trust God as you treat your condition.

I trust that the admins and any wise spiritual counsel would agree with this sentiment.
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Old 07-09-2018, 04:35 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Medical cannabis (especially strands of Indica) are used to treat pain, nausea, muscle spasms, anxiety, mulitiple sclerosis, low appetite, insomnia, autism, epilepsy (seizure disorder). You can look this up on any given website that is about prescription medical cannabis. Here's a link. I could flood you with dozens of links, videos, testimonials, etc. to prove you wrong. I think this was one of the first links on a simple google search.
Again, you're not a doctor, and you're demonstrating that you are rather uninformed on the topic.

Hey, Chris, go look at yourself in the mirror.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 04:46 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
And with that, you have essentially stated that any Apostolic using medical cannabis is no longer Apostolic. Sadly, there are quite a few who have used medical cannabis.
But the stigma, and brazen condemnation by the loud and bombastic detractors discourage their speaking out.
They'd rather roll their eyes at you and continue treatment. I know, because I've been private messaged about it several times in the course of the past couple months.
That's probably the same reason why Big Foot, Nessie, and Grey Aliens don't come out either?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Medical cannabis (especially strands of Indica) are used to treat pain, nausea, muscle spasms, anxiety, mulitiple sclerosis, low appetite, insomnia, autism, epilepsy (seizure disorder). You can look this up on any given website that is about prescription medical cannabis. Here's a link. I could flood you with dozens of links, videos, testimonials, etc. to prove you wrong. I think this was one of the first links on a simple google search.
Wow, somethings NEVER change

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Ironically your site you offered doesn't have a link in pain?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 05:06 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Again, you're not a doctor, and you're demonstrating that you are rather uninformed on the topic.
Yeah, you are full of strands and strands of cannabis.

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I know a guy who was obese.
Here it comes!

Wait for it, wait for it!

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He suffered significant health problems.
Good thing he didn't smoke dubes.

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Under his doctor's care he lost all the weight and was eating right[/B]. He was like a food Nazi when you went out to eat with him.

He'd make you feel like garbage for eating a simple cheeseburger and fries. Eventually, we all agreed that he was in need of a reminder that his perspective was jaded by his own abuse of food in the past.
Chris, the above is a bad example. Because we have no idea what you claim a simple cheeseburger to be. Also we can factor in that since you both "know" each other he might know you eat like garbage. He is on a face to face, knowing a real time Chris. So, sounds like he is concerned for your lousy eating habits? Maybe also lack of activity, and flippant attitude towards something that could of killed him. Something like a life of sin in those who were in prison, around gangs, crime, bad upbringing? Are more adamant concerning Christain life? Then those who are raised by Donna Reed?

Is your bud jaded? We don't know, but we do know that you don't take correction concerning health choices from people who are your friends? People who have struggled with lack of exercise and eating poorly? Food nazi? Maybe he knows how you judge him, and wants to shut you up while you mock his new lifestyle? We don't know. Bro, there are so many levels to hypothetical and anonymous friends we give as example stories. Let's start a thread on your once obese acquaintance? Maybe we can dissect it enough until we come to the truth?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 05:17 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
EB, from the sounds of it you used cannabis and abused it. I'd expect you to think that it is perhaps the most terrible thing out there. But you're just one little man who was caught up in drugs, found religion, and is now brow beating any Christian who disagrees with you to the point of even claiming that they can't be "Apostolic" if they choose medical cannabis.
Chris, this is why people like you are appreciated. Do you know how many converts fit that description? Do you know how many people out there who aren't even Christians fit that description? People who gave their lives to being counselors, mentors, trainers, men and women working with young people in cities all across the United States. You know Chris, the more I get you to post about this, the more I can tell you have an agenda. You don't give a care about anyone who is out there suffering, who has issues emotional or physical. Bro, marijuana wasn't abused by me, because I understood what it did to people around me growing up. people I knew who were BURNT. Sorry, but you have no experience. You only research to affirm what your agenda is, and no way seeking to find all sides of the issue. Do you notice that you have only pros, no cons? Even the website you offered shows adverse side effects.

Snake oil buddy, plain and simple. You are making promises of honey, but all we wind up with are more ashes. Nothing heals and delivers like Jesus. Nothing. An Apostolic smoking weed is a giant step backward. In your case it is into a deep ditch of despair.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 05:33 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Again, you are not a doctor and you pay no price for your teachings. If a parent is at wits end with their child having dozens of seizures a day, a prayer, a dab a do ya of oil, and encouragement that if they really, really, have faith, Jesus will heal is all you offer. And if the healing doesn't come, you blame their lack of faith, a demon spirit, or some other culprit. You then get to walk away and go out to eat with your healthy family. You pay no price.
You are a propagandist.

Seizures totally healed with reefer? No, seizures aren't healed or managed with marijuana. You just don't get it, all those wonderful stories are from an industry which started way before you ever jumped on the bandwagon of Dr Hook's medicine show. Why hasn't this incredible medical boon ever been used before? "Oh, get your tinfoil hat Jimmy! Uncle Chris is going to tell us a story!" Sorry, not buying it. Everything from opiates, THC, cocaine have been used as pharmaceuticals. This country consumes more drugs than anywhere else on the planet. It is the United States of Pharmakeia, deceiving the nations. Now people like yourself are convenient tools selling their wares. Now reefer is a new savior, a green Moses to lead us to a leafy promise land of Jah. Bro, you might be able to push this line to our youth, but those who know the power of the one true living God see it for what it really is.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
My position is that we should allow those whom it might benefit to look into it without condemning them or berating them. If the cannabis ends a child's multiple seizures throughout the day,
stimulates normal brain function
, and allows the family to lead a fairly normal life as they wait on a healing, there is no reason to condemn them. And if your God can't heal through a medical treatment, He isn't God. Because God can do it and does do it. We've seen it happen before when God has healed people while taking the medication they've been taking for years.
Good God in Zion!!!! That I lived to see the day that reefer made you have normal brain function??????

Who or what is funding you to post this garbage?

Marijuana stimulates normal brain function?????

Tommy Chong should be a genius with an IQ score between 190 and 210.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 05:42 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
All you offer is a miraculous healing.
Wow, this one post speaks volumes.

I feel sorry for you.

You tired Apostolic Pentecost.


But you wanted quick, hot, and convenient.

You know why this culture loves pizza and McDonalds?

Cheap, easy, and fast.

Burger King Jesus is what the religious want.

He allows you to have it your way.

Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders won't upset us.

Sorry bro, not our will, but His be DONE!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 05:57 PM
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
All you offer is a miraculous healing.
And if it doesn't come instantly, you offer an indefinitely period of pain, tears, and even further damage. You're reckless. And the saddest part is, you pay no price. Let individuals weigh their options and seek what works for them if healing isn't immediate.
Bro, reefer isn't the miracle weed you would lead us to believe.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I have no personal experience with medical cannabis. I've considered starting the process of being approved based on the experiences of people I know, and countless articles, videos, and commentary about its pros and cons.
Apostolic1ness hit a homerun.

Boy did this take a long time. Just have to tell you Chris, don't do it. Time proves all things, and you going down this road with a mindset you have posted here. Actually causes a placebo effect in a user, where you will ........ the torpedoes to prove others wrong. Don't do it Chris don't do it.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Being too fearful to support a family seeking a possible treatment for a child with epilepsy, as the child suffers from seizures multiple times a day isn't a mark of "maturity". It's a mark of heartlessness and lack of empathy for the sake of personal dogma.
Drama bro, you are doing a ballet to convince yourself. Only to slip further into darkness. Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.

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The history of cannabis being used medicinally goes back nearly 5,000 years.
Same with female circumcision, but just because they used it for thousands of years doesn't mean it works.

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It was even used medicinally in over the counter medications in the United States prior to its prohibition in the 1900's. God is the Creator of all things. And many of those things are medically beneficial. Often having more benefit than the synthetic prescription drugs so many are prescribed.
God is the creator of all things? Which logically means jungle rot, flesh eating bacteria, poison sumac, black mold, heroin, fire ants, mercury, sulphuric acid, gangrene, lice, hook worm, last but not least the opiate to create Desomorphine. Chris, Apostolic1ness zeroed in on you, you are trying to convince yourself and others to do marijuana as a cure for your emotional issue of PTSD.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 07-09-2018, 06:18 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
All you offer is a miraculous healing.
That's a bad thing?

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My God is clearly bigger than yours.
If the above isn't enough, then clearly He's not.

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Old 07-09-2018, 06:21 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Wow, this one post speaks volumes.

I feel sorry for you.

You tired Apostolic Pentecost.


But you wanted quick, hot, and convenient.

You know why this culture loves pizza and McDonalds?

Cheap, easy, and fast.

Burger King Jesus is what the religious want.

He allows you to have it your way.

Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders won't upset us.

Sorry bro, not our will, but His be DONE!
All you offer is Jesus? For shame.

Really. Walking away shaking my head on that one.
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