Originally Posted by eaglecreek
i dont get it? is there something in the bible i missed that said women cant pray, lead prayers or lead a group? did Jesus not have a women in His inner circle?
I will try to explain since I'm the one who started the thread.
You are correct that there isn't anything wrong about a woman praying, leading a prayer, or leading a prayer group. And yes, there were women who were very close to Jesus.
The issue is that to whatever degree, I am seeing more and more a misrepresentation of what I believe are Biblical gender roles.
Sure a woman ought to be praying vigorously before the Lord, and sure, she as much as any man needs to put on the whole armor of God, and yes, the sword of the Spirit is just as available to her as to any man.
But look at what that has turned into. Do a google image search for "Princess Prayer Warrior". Then do a google image search for "Prince Prayer Warrior".
This may be unpopular but men seemingly have been taught in the church that they take a backseat role when it comes to spiritual warfare. This may not be true of you or true everywhere, but I've watched a lot of good men walk around with their thumbs up their butts thinking their wives were more spiritual than they were because their wives made all the prayer meetings and were always the ones weeping and wailing at altar calls.
Some of these same men got up for work at 4:00am or earlier sometimes, worked until 7:00pm or later sometimes and were just too wore out to make it to an hour long 8:00pm meeting. And yet, even though working hard and providing for one's family is one of the highest spiritual callings God ever gave to a man, it gets taken for granted by those who don't understand the nature of true spirituality.
So women get painted as these saintly, tough as nails, war on the floor prayer powerhouses while the men get portrayed as meek little mice who can barely talk to God because they are so ashamed of not being as spiritual as they are allegedly supposed to be.
This is garbage with a capital "G".
Now again, maybe this isn't your experience, but it is happening.
I've read so many different books written by women about prayer and let's see, what have I discovered?
- Laying un-cut hair on prayer requests causes God to move mountains
- Women are supposed to pray a minimum of three hours a day or they aren't really praying and fast at least once a week
- Women praying so hard and interceding so much they vomited, so they started bringing garbage cans with them to their prayer meetings just in case
- Women praying so hard they broke subcutaneous blood vessels all over their body and had to go to the ER.
- Women discovering the secret name of the presiding demon over a city while praying while the men were nowhere to be found
Need I say more?
Maybe you or someone else doesn't see a problem with this stuff. And hey, if that's the case, more power to you. But I think that a lot of the replies here in this thread indicate that others really do see a problem and that it needs solving.
I hope this clears things up for you. If you have more questions or comments for me, I will be glad to address them.
Peace and God bless,