I have a young man in my church who came to me several years ago to discuss some things. As we sat in my office he began to pour out his heart to me and explained that he was getting wrapped up in hockey and felt convicted. He began to tell me that he would go home after church and watch NHL hockey highlights. As we continued talking he began telling me that he felt a very cold chill going down his leg. I encouraged him to listen to the conviction he felt. That Sunday night he came into the sanctuary weeping during prayer and was clutching his hockey stick and a San Jose Sharks jersey to his chest. He laid them both on the altar and received victory from the bondage of sports!
I have a young man in my church who came to me several years ago to discuss some things. As we sat in my office he began to pour out his heart to me and explained that he was getting wrapped up in hockey and felt convicted. He began to tell me that he would go home after church and watch NHL hockey highlights. As we continued talking he began telling me that he felt a very cold chill going down his leg. I encouraged him to listen to the conviction he felt. That Sunday night he came into the sanctuary weeping during prayer and was clutching his hockey stick and a San Jose Sharks jersey to his chest. He laid them both on the altar and received victory from the bondage of sports!
Hopefully, the hockey stick and jersey were given to a local shelter or play-it-again sports outlet for those who cannot afford to buy new.
I have a young man in my church who came to me several years ago to discuss some things. As we sat in my office he began to pour out his heart to me and explained that he was getting wrapped up in hockey and felt convicted. He began to tell me that he would go home after church and watch NHL hockey highlights. As we continued talking he began telling me that he felt a very cold chill going down his leg. I encouraged him to listen to the conviction he felt. That Sunday night he came into the sanctuary weeping during prayer and was clutching his hockey stick and a San Jose Sharks jersey to his chest. He laid them both on the altar and received victory from the bondage of sports!
I missed this post. What's wrong with watching highlights? If simply watching highlights is "getting wrapped up in hockey," whoa!
I shouldn't judge, because what seems insignificant for me may not be for him. My liberty is obviously not his liberty...
I want to comment longer, but all I can muster is the will to say that if you think sports are somehow evil and of this world then you are dumber than a rock. I would rather my sons be heavily involved in sports than some of the insane churches I have seen.
How are sports not of this world? Isn't pretty much EVERYTHING "of this world"?
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
How are sports not of this world? Isn't pretty much EVERYTHING "of this world"?
Bingo! (ding, ding, ding.) How many of us mature men would roll our eyes at a lovely old Grandma who wishes to wax on and on about her Croquet Arts accomplishments? If you are a decent man--none of us would. Rather, we smile, and pretend to care, because her croquet art is something that means much to HER, and she is a demonstrably good human being--and the likes of her gave birth and nurture to the likes of me. And that is the human condition--good people attempt to empathize with others, even if we don't "get it" at the moment.
Bingo! (ding, ding, ding.) How many of us mature men would roll our eyes at a lovely old Grandma who wishes to wax on and on about her Croquet Arts accomplishments? If you are a decent man--none of us would. Rather, we smile, and pretend to care, because her croquet art is something that means much to HER, and she is a demonstrably good human being--and the likes of her gave birth and nurture to the likes of me. And that is the human condition--good people attempt to empathize with others, even if we don't "get it" at the moment.
Oops, I meant to refer to "crochet" , not "croquet."