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Old 08-14-2010, 10:38 PM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Again this isn't a legal issue, so your "legal" argument is beside the point to this thread and what it's about.

I never said legalities or the constitution does not matter, I said it was irrelevant to THIS thread.
So what is the point of this thread?

You quoted President Obama saying that "Mulims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else" and "that includes the right to build a place of worship and community center on private property in lower Manhattan" and "our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable".

He was directly addressing legalities and religious freedoms protected under the constitution but you say that legalities and the constitution are "irrelevant" to this thread?

He didn't say he thought it was a good idea or that he personally endorsed the choice. He simply said it was a legally protected right.
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson View Post
Check this out.

NO WAY. This was taken COMPLETELY out of context. This thing was cut and clipped to death.
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
So what is the point of this thread?

You quoted President Obama saying that "Mulims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else" and "that includes the right to build a place of worship and community center on private property in lower Manhattan" and "our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable".

He was directly addressing legalities and religious freedoms protected under the constitution but you say that legalities and the constitution are "irrelevant" to this thread?

He didn't say he thought it was a good idea or that he personally endorsed the choice. He simply said it was a legally protected right.
What is the point? It's a discussion on the statements of Obama and the opinions/feelings of a lot of Americans especially New Yorkers.

I know waht he was addressing and he stated his opinion and I stated mine.
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Old 08-14-2010, 11:01 PM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith View Post
Whew!! I was feeling unwelcome there for a minute. Nearly had to get out the Kleenex. Now, back to the topic:

What were we talking about? Oh yeah, that thing that President Obama said. So, it's basically this: When, in America, we insist on "Freedom of Religion", we must realize that doesn't just mean, "Freedom of MY religion."

Also, it is intellectually dishonest to label all of Islam as being to blame for 9-11. Islam has its crazies, kinda like Christianity has its crazies. Would we judge Christianity by the Kansas nuthouse that shows up at soldier's funerals and parades around with signs that say, "God hates F__'s?

I think not.

So while you may not practice the Muslin faith, it's unjust to judge Islam by the actions of a few extremists. And the fact remains (although it's an irrelevant point according the Prax-a-docious) that in America there is freedom for all religions.
Nobody said they don't have a freedom of religion. As I tried to say before, this is not a legal or constitution issue. If there is some sort of local zoning law, that is another issue. Nobody argued they don't have a constitutional right. In fact it was said they DO have that right.

And people have the same right to protest or ask them to reconsider just as they do to Fred Phelps and his clan to not protest funerals despite the freedom of speech
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Old 08-15-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith View Post
Well, pardon me for contributing something that actually matters, to your thread. So if I'm not able to comment on why President Obama said what he said, what can I have your permission to say, oh holy administrator (To thine be the glory)?

Wait a minute...if we're not going to talk about why the president said what he said, what IS this thread about? Are you just wanting to use him for a verbal whipping post? Christians DO love doing that with our current president.
Let's talk about why he said what he said!!!! Why he continually supports those that are known for their anti-American actives and attitudes. Goes right along with his former pastor Jeremiah Wright, and his apologies in the Middle East and Germany for all America's horrible acts!!!

Why say anything? He should have kept his mouth shut, but I'm glad he opened it and continues to show his truth liberal self. Maybe, just maybe the America people will wake up to how dangerous this president truly is to this country.

Christians speak up because they intuitively see "a clear and present danger" with this president, and hope to sound an alarm. But unfortunately, the media and the liberal left are louder and more shrill, and the general public is cowed to their screaming. That by their much talking and demonizing anyone who disagree with them as crazies!!!!
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
First of all, Prax expressed himself as a poster NOT as an administrator, I hope you can understand the difference.

Second, you obvisiously don't get the issue. It is NOT about what is LEGAL. It is about what is morally right for the city of NY. And not only NY but to all Americans.

When you do a study on what this issue is really about I would hope you would understand why there is such an uproar.

It is wrong for them to be given permission to build there. I don't understand why they don't just rebuild the towers, has that ever been an option?
I don't get the whole "morally right." How so?
Are we talking natural law morals (more universal) or Christian morals?
What's immoral about it? Sounds odd to me.
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:35 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Sam View Post

by either killing off enough infidels go gain supremacy
by bloodless jihad to enforce sharia law on all of the U.S.

What else would you expect from Barack Hussein Obama who was raised Muslim in his early years and who has for 20 years sat under a pastor who is anti-American and is an open admirer of Louis Farrakhan?
Oh good grief. Sam, you've always been level-headed. If you're serious here I'm pretty shocked.
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:36 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. no

That's all I can muster.
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:37 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
So what is the point of this thread?

You quoted President Obama saying that "Mulims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else" and "that includes the right to build a place of worship and community center on private property in lower Manhattan" and "our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable".

He was directly addressing legalities and religious freedoms protected under the constitution but you say that legalities and the constitution are "irrelevant" to this thread?

He didn't say he thought it was a good idea or that he personally endorsed the choice. He simply said it was a legally protected right.
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: Obama For Mosque at Ground Zero

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
Let's talk about why he said what he said!!!! Why he continually supports those that are known for their anti-American actives and attitudes. Goes right along with his former pastor Jeremiah Wright, and his apologies in the Middle East and Germany for all America's horrible acts!!!

Why say anything? He should have kept his mouth shut, but I'm glad he opened it and continues to show his truth liberal self. Maybe, just maybe the America people will wake up to how dangerous this president truly is to this country.

Christians speak up because they intuitively see "a clear and present danger" with this president, and hope to sound an alarm. But unfortunately, the media and the liberal left are louder and more shrill, and the general public is cowed to their screaming. That by their much talking and demonizing anyone who disagree with them as crazies!!!!
When did you decide the clerics of this Mosque were anti-American?

You sir, sound so virtuous.

I think by over-reacting on everything he says it only serves to make some look like Right Wing nut job, religious fundy, Islamaphobes. React when it counts for something. And FTR, having an opinion that you can articulate reasons why concerning the mosque is one thing, hanging Barack on it is baseless.
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