Originally Posted by Praxeas
Is it right to have our own nation where people struggle to eat and stay alive?
Is the solution open borders where we allow the drug cartels free access to bring their killings here and make America as bad as Mexico?
If this is your argument, why not just allow anyone, anywhere in the world, to come to America if they want? Do you realize what happens to America when that happens?
No the solution is to offer help to those nations, if they want it and if they are serious about cleaning up the corruption, to become better nations themselves
BTW Rome was a great nation, with great achievements for their day and age. Many other nations could have benefited from them if not for their own internal corruption and being over run by Barbarians (foreigners)
The policy of allowing large numbers of foreign aliens to enter and settle without becoming truly a part of the Roman state is what lead to the fall of the Roman Empire. Even with its corrupt and decadent core it could have gone on almost forever if it weren't for the Goths, Lollard and other immigrants tearing at the fabric of the community.
The same fate was seen in the East when the Byzantines allowed the Seljuk Turks to settle in Anatolia. In time, the Turks overran the entire Byzantine Empire and replaced it with the Ottoman.
Of course, if the Indian nations had been united the Europeans never would have succeeded in settling the New World. Cortez defeated the mightiest American empire at the time with just a band of 200 men because all of the other tribes hated the Aztecs and their tyranny. It wasn't until 1811 that the tribes in present day America presented a united front (sort of). The Europeans had been allowed to build up their settlements for 200 years before "The Prophet" appeared and the Battle of Tippecanoe was fought.
My own country was once a peaceful and blessed realm until a bunch of New Yorkers and Midwesterners moved out this way and started driving like idiots.
It's a long story of woe.