Over the past couple weeks, a major movie, 300, has hit theaters across the nation. Jack Nickelson was speaking to the director of 300 and was stating that he (Nickelson) has been trying to get a movie together about Napolean. However, he (Nickelson) did not want a major star to play the role...but an unknown, Hollywood person. The director said...I have just the man for you. His name is Steve Munsey. Nickelson was interested and wanted to have a meeting.
Nickelson attended the first day of the Master's and, by coincidence, Steve Munsey was also scheduled to attend. A meeting is being planned between the two men to further talk about Steve Munsey and his role in the soon-to-be movie production of Napolean (with Munsey as the lead role).
Should be very, very interesting.
This just seems weird to me.
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
Over the past couple weeks, a major movie, 300, has hit theaters across the nation. Jack Nickelson was speaking to the director of 300 and was stating that he (Nickelson) has been trying to get a movie together about Napolean. However, he (Nickelson) did not want a major star to play the role...but an unknown, Hollywood person. The director said...I have just the man for you. His name is Steve Munsey. Nickelson was interested and wanted to have a meeting.
Nickelson attended the first day of the Master's and, by coincidence, Steve Munsey was also scheduled to attend. A meeting is being planned between the two men to further talk about Steve Munsey and his role in the soon-to-be movie production of Napolean (with Munsey as the lead role).