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Old 01-12-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: A Word Fitly Spoken....Prophets in the Church

We were in Meridian this Sunday night and these words were spoken over us. It was so awesome and confirmed so much to us.
Prophecy and Knowledge
Elder Charles Pierce
Meridian, Mississippi
January 12, 2009-01-12

I was praying for my Brother and his family and when he opened up his bible I saw pictures.
My son the reason I have taught you the stuff I’ve taught you, even though you have been very discouraged, very down. You feel like, “this is my last, but this is just the
Beginning.” You have to make a decision. I don’t want to get in it. You have got to obey the Holy Ghost. It seems like dying a thousand deaths and the sting of rejection is not easy but there is more that will receive you. Believe what I am telling you because already there are some things this year that’s going to be cut into a quarter. These people are traveling by faith from place to place and may have a million dollars but I doubt it. They are great Schlors…I know this and they are great servants of the Lord. Theres a man that is trying to kill you with his words but the Lords going to cause his murder to go back to him. Because let me tell you why? You stole his Thunder and lightening.
An insecure man is a dangerous man I don’t care how much teaching or learning that he has got. This lady here;
She is your salvation through Jesus Christ and don’t you ever forget that.Just remember that and that I am your brother. Don’t ever let anyone tell you Brother Pierce doesn’t love you. I am trying to work with everyone I can.
We are going to come into the fullness. You will not be perfected without all the five fold ministry. It’s the same church and its still operationing according to due season.
God has passed the mantle down even women such as Phoebe. They say the woman is not supposed to say anything. Women I am on your side. We need some men to take up the mantle though. I don’t know anything about this couple but about a little car that is all I read. I don’t know anything about this couple but it’s almost as though he has had a nervous breakdown but Brother you are going to come up twice, three times as strong, the outer court, inner court and holy of holies, the way, the truth and the life, faith, hope and love. You are going to go into that third dimension and even walk into that fourth dimension. You are going to walk up in the clouds up above the stratosphere
You are going to see things and she is too and all kind of churches are going to come and ask you to come preach but don’t let it go to your head; let it go to your heart. Give as much too each one as you can. Give as much as you can to them and then they are going to teach you. We are coming together those that are hungry just watch it. I believe that. It’s amazing what we can see. Jesus has said that He has set in the church Apostles and Prophets. Come here this is what I saw, I could not straighten it out because the anointing that has overshadowed you. I am going to talk plain this couple has got an anointing in the prophetical move of God and I know what it’s like in the insecurity of some preachers. When you have five hundred in a fifty congregational church and when you leave and the preacher cannot perform you leave them insecure. You have to have been there to understand what its like. God knows how to take care of us. We are going to pray for you because its like you about to lose your mind but also your wife has this thing coming down through here its like a dangling situation
Around the esophagus that is about to be healed. She wakes up with this same dream and it’s like a nightmare. Satan tries to torment her mind that she’s wrong, that you are wrong but understand what I am telling you. Obey them that have rule over you but you are not wrong. Understand that you are going into that dimension that He is headship
Even though you do your best to work you understand? Because women you understand have already 2 strikes against them. First of all you are a woman; second of all you have the gifts of the spirit operating in your life. Second of all they don’t believe in women talking too much.
I am just going to be honest. I tell it like I see it. Some people don’t believe in it. Oh no they don’t. I’ve been
Trying to tell you that for years. People want a word from God.
They put you in a little room and half starve you to death. If God be for you who can stand against you. If has to send the devil to feed you. He can. He has done that for us. The devil works for him anywhere. You are going to feel that anointing of God and that insecurity lift off of you. Now what I saw was a dream but you are going to come out of this. The headship of your husband is going to lead you out but the thing is Brother, you step up to the plate
And it’s going to be greater than it ever was before.
Son you are not second fiddle understand what I am trying to say. You are the son, the headship, the shepherd. He is the chief shepherd. Your wife is helpmeet and you work as one.
When you start working in the Holy Ghost it’s going to be more powerful than it’s ever been and God is going to send you to the right places from this day forward in 2009.
Loose my sister. The Lord spoke to me sister and said, they are talking. Let them talk. If you are were not doing anything then there would be no talk. The Lords going to send you places where they want the move of God.
If you haven’t got any place to come home to rest then come on here to rest because threes a bunch of people like David. I am not or maybe I am. He took all the vagabonds and cast always. We need to stay with the truth of the living
God. What I am saying is there is a vehicle that needs to be purchased. Theres already prayer and people whose wanted to get this for you but its been hindered. God’s going to take care of this and you’ll get your new vehicle.
The Lords going to wake you up and you are going to write the prophetical things God is going to show you together.
I see you singing to the Lord in tongues.My God, My God
You are interceding. She is interceding for people like myself. She knows that we have been birthed.
What do you really see about this church? About us?
When are ya’ll going to be able to come back and enjoy the presence of the Lord with us? You have seen the Shekinah glory of God with us.
God’s going to clear the things out that is the chaff. God’s going to take it away. This is not the church. Its only a building.
When the Lord puts something together and God sanctions it its going to be alright.
This is your offering Brother and Sister. This man of God and his wife. He’s going to show you things and really the books that she’s going to write, its going to astound her. She’s going to have to start on them very soon. She’s already started. She’s got poems and stuff written. I already see them. The books are coming. If she wants to publish tell her I am writing one on healing.
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Old 01-12-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: A Word Fitly Spoken....Prophets in the Church

anybody read this?????? Will the shy people please speak up????
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Old 01-12-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: A Word Fitly Spoken....Prophets in the Church

Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
We were in Meridian this Sunday night and these words were spoken over us. It was so awesome and confirmed so much to us.
Prophecy and Knowledge
Elder Charles Pierce
Meridian, Mississippi
January 12, 2009-01-12

I was praying for my Brother and his family and when he opened up his bible I saw pictures.
My son the reason I have taught you the stuff I’ve taught you, even though you have been very discouraged, very down. You feel like, “this is my last, but this is just the
Beginning.” You have to make a decision. I don’t want to get in it. You have got to obey the Holy Ghost. It seems like dying a thousand deaths and the sting of rejection is not easy but there is more that will receive you. Believe what I am telling you because already there are some things this year that’s going to be cut into a quarter. These people are traveling by faith from place to place and may have a million dollars but I doubt it. They are great Schlors…I know this and they are great servants of the Lord. Theres a man that is trying to kill you with his words but the Lords going to cause his murder to go back to him. Because let me tell you why? You stole his Thunder and lightening.
An insecure man is a dangerous man I don’t care how much teaching or learning that he has got. This lady here;
She is your salvation through Jesus Christ and don’t you ever forget that.Just remember that and that I am your brother. Don’t ever let anyone tell you Brother Pierce doesn’t love you. I am trying to work with everyone I can.
We are going to come into the fullness. You will not be perfected without all the five fold ministry. It’s the same church and its still operationing according to due season.
God has passed the mantle down even women such as Phoebe. They say the woman is not supposed to say anything. Women I am on your side. We need some men to take up the mantle though. I don’t know anything about this couple but about a little car that is all I read. I don’t know anything about this couple but it’s almost as though he has had a nervous breakdown but Brother you are going to come up twice, three times as strong, the outer court, inner court and holy of holies, the way, the truth and the life, faith, hope and love. You are going to go into that third dimension and even walk into that fourth dimension. You are going to walk up in the clouds up above the stratosphere
You are going to see things and she is too and all kind of churches are going to come and ask you to come preach but don’t let it go to your head; let it go to your heart. Give as much too each one as you can. Give as much as you can to them and then they are going to teach you. We are coming together those that are hungry just watch it. I believe that. It’s amazing what we can see. Jesus has said that He has set in the church Apostles and Prophets. Come here this is what I saw, I could not straighten it out because the anointing that has overshadowed you. I am going to talk plain this couple has got an anointing in the prophetical move of God and I know what it’s like in the insecurity of some preachers. When you have five hundred in a fifty congregational church and when you leave and the preacher cannot perform you leave them insecure. You have to have been there to understand what its like. God knows how to take care of us. We are going to pray for you because its like you about to lose your mind but also your wife has this thing coming down through here its like a dangling situation
Around the esophagus that is about to be healed. She wakes up with this same dream and it’s like a nightmare. Satan tries to torment her mind that she’s wrong, that you are wrong but understand what I am telling you. Obey them that have rule over you but you are not wrong. Understand that you are going into that dimension that He is headship
Even though you do your best to work you understand? Because women you understand have already 2 strikes against them. First of all you are a woman; second of all you have the gifts of the spirit operating in your life. Second of all they don’t believe in women talking too much.
I am just going to be honest. I tell it like I see it. Some people don’t believe in it. Oh no they don’t. I’ve been
Trying to tell you that for years. People want a word from God.
They put you in a little room and half starve you to death. If God be for you who can stand against you. If has to send the devil to feed you. He can. He has done that for us. The devil works for him anywhere. You are going to feel that anointing of God and that insecurity lift off of you. Now what I saw was a dream but you are going to come out of this. The headship of your husband is going to lead you out but the thing is Brother, you step up to the plate
And it’s going to be greater than it ever was before.
Son you are not second fiddle understand what I am trying to say. You are the son, the headship, the shepherd. He is the chief shepherd. Your wife is helpmeet and you work as one.
When you start working in the Holy Ghost it’s going to be more powerful than it’s ever been and God is going to send you to the right places from this day forward in 2009.
Loose my sister. The Lord spoke to me sister and said, they are talking. Let them talk. If you are were not doing anything then there would be no talk. The Lords going to send you places where they want the move of God.
If you haven’t got any place to come home to rest then come on here to rest because threes a bunch of people like David. I am not or maybe I am. He took all the vagabonds and cast always. We need to stay with the truth of the living
God. What I am saying is there is a vehicle that needs to be purchased. Theres already prayer and people whose wanted to get this for you but its been hindered. God’s going to take care of this and you’ll get your new vehicle.
The Lords going to wake you up and you are going to write the prophetical things God is going to show you together.
I see you singing to the Lord in tongues.My God, My God
You are interceding. She is interceding for people like myself. She knows that we have been birthed.
What do you really see about this church? About us?
When are ya’ll going to be able to come back and enjoy the presence of the Lord with us? You have seen the Shekinah glory of God with us.
God’s going to clear the things out that is the chaff. God’s going to take it away. This is not the church. Its only a building.
When the Lord puts something together and God sanctions it its going to be alright.
This is your offering Brother and Sister. This man of God and his wife. He’s going to show you things and really the books that she’s going to write, its going to astound her. She’s going to have to start on them very soon. She’s already started. She’s got poems and stuff written. I already see them. The books are coming. If she wants to publish tell her I am writing one on healing.
Recalling Charles P. he seems to ramble and say many things at the same time often to various people surrounding those he ministers to, and one has to quite adept to translate or interpret what he says, can you summarize what he said and what it means to you and how accurate his word was?
Please pray for India

My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
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Old 01-12-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: A Word Fitly Spoken....Prophets in the Church

Brother Keith,
That is the summary. I took this from two cd's of the service. These were the words spoken over us.
1. We were healed of a number of things.
2. Many things were confirmed to us about the ministry we are doing. We have been opening up seminaries in foreign countries and traveling teaching in churches on U.S.
3. We both have been through litteral hell.
4. We both work in the prophetic realm in ministry.
5. We were both called to be ministers at young ages. I was five years old burying things and preaching to others. My husbands first time in the pulpit was fourteen years old.
6. I have been writing and have a few published poems and am working on a few books at once. My husband has written over thirty books.
7. We have been under attack from various angles even in the physical realm but Jesus has always let us know and taken care of us.
8. We are newly married...just this year so alot of these things said confirmed alot of what we have been praying for and asking Jesus.
That about sums it up.
One other thing. The Lord also used us to minister at this meeting and the church blessed us financially with a good sum to be used for missions and travel.
Jesus is good.
Today we are preparing to open two new bible schools. One in the Phillipines and another in India where we have two already.
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