Originally Posted by Dan'D
Could he be?
My dad was outspoken in 1972 that Kissinger was not the Anti-Christ.
My dad did preach that he was born within 6 months before or after the Feb 4th 1962 planet alignment.
BO was born Aug 4th 1961.
My dad stated he felt strongly that the Anti-Christ could not be born after 1962.
He stated more...
But most believe that the Anti-Christ is a system and not a man.
Intersting comment BO made a short time ago.
He himself does not feel like the real BO.
He feels more like a movement or machine...
It is not our place to state who is or isn't.
Either way we all have 70 or so years to make our own mark in life.
My father also plainly noted in his Sermon on the Anti-Christ from 1972.
That this man will be born Muslim but will not practice his muslim heritage.
He will be powerful as he will hold the muslim faith in one hand and the Christiam faith in the other.
My dad states find a man who can bridge the Catholic faith in one hand and the Muslim faith in the other.
OB Grandfather on his fathers side from Kenya converted to the Catholic church decades ago.