Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
There a many "relevant" churches that are not doing the light/fog show thing ...
I know there's been a fog machine kick going on ... here at the forum ....
but you might be missing the big picture.
FYI ... you might be a tad hung up on it.
Nah I am not hung up on it, in fact never really gave it a second thought until it became such a vehemently protested yay or nay issue here on this forum.
What I guess I am failing to articualte is that the Pentecostals of the past twenty years have been so exposed to programs and methods that come and go, like Brother Epley posted the same old hag in a new dress. (Does that sound John Watersy or what???) that they keep going on quests for the latest trend of flavoured coffee at Starbucks I mean latest trend of being...."RELEVANT"
Anyway the reality is that the ONLY way to be SPIRITUALLY relevant to anyone is to preach sing and pray in the power and the demonstration of the Holy Ghost. everything else is really pretty irrelevant in the long run. Give people Jesus and everything else is inconsquential in the long run.
I know that a lot of older people can be stuck in the mud fearing and hating anything that is not status quo, but then there are others who maybe are failing to state their case very well, but the years of life experience they have coupled with the tons of pastoral experiences they have had may very well be worth considering in their voiced opposition to certain trends.
What I DO feel hung up on though is that all this "Relevance" seems to have the desire to emulate or evoke a kind of Neo Jack Kerouac Beat Generation feeling, and again, HOWL if you wanna! BUT only the good old fashioned (32 ad) move of the Holy SPirit is going to change peoples lives, wether the preacher is in jeans or a suit or a gallabieh.