Originally Posted by James Griffin
Don't know about "many reports" But for what's it worth when I was on the gang task force in Victoria it was discovered that many of the prison gangs (La Raza Unida, Mexican Mafia, Los Pistoleros etc) were switching from running drugs across the border to running people. Bigger profit margin, lesser penalty if caught. And yes they did smuggle across middle easterners (usually charging in the low six figures) no questions asked.
Of course, since the per capita income in most Middle Eastern countries is relatively low, it makes you wonder where the funding is coming from, for these people to be making six-figure payments to be smuggled into this country. (terrorist groups?)
Indeed there have been many reports, and many words written about this phenomenon (moreso on the internet and the blogosphere than in the mainstream media).
The government even came up with an official term -OTM, ("Other Than Mexicans") for those caught at the US/Mexican border who are not Mexicans but are from other parts of the world... and many of these are from the Middle East and various Muslim countries.
A quick google search shows that the issue of Middle Eastern OTM's is fairly well known. Dont hold your breath waiting for Cnn, Foxnews, & company to say much about it though.