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Old 02-05-2008, 12:46 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by Dora View Post
Wow…tell us how you really feel. LOL

Sis, Presidents and men in Congress have been having extramarital affairs going all the way back to our Founding Fathers. Men are a fallen sinful bunch. I know we romanticize the White House and talk about honor and integrity…but the reality is often plagued by our sinful natures. This isn’t just the case in America, this was even happening in ancient Israel. As a matter of fact Israel’s greatest king, a man after God’s own heart, had multiple wives, and a very sordid affair while ruling on the throne. It’s just the way things are. It doesn’t make it right…but the idea that one man has single handedly “dishonored” a political office is just laughable to me. Clinton had an affair and lied about it…it’s not like he lied about WMDs and engaged us in an unnecessary war of choice in the midst of a global war on terror.

Young people don’t sit around idolizing politicians. Most young people can’t even tell you who the Vice President or Secretary of Defense is. Most young people idolize sports stars or movie heroes. And only the most foolish of parents would even want, encourage, or allow their child to idolize ANY politician. Our kids are products of our nation’s parents and what the parents allow them to be. It’s easy to blame Clinton, Michael Jordan, or whoever for our kids becoming little devils. But the ultimate responsibility was, is, and always will be on parents. I teach my family to look up to only one man….Jesus Christ. While my children most likely look up to me to some degree, I’ve repeatedly told them I’m just trying my best to be a good father in spite of all my flaws. I’m nothing without Jesus.

One can be a good person and have a good heart but at the same time have very deep personal moral failings and struggles. I think the Bush Administration’s blatant misinformation campaign regarding the war in Iraq brings far more dishonor on the office than the moral failings in a man’s private life. Clinton’s affairs are a marital issue. Think about it…the Republicans didn’t care one bit to exploit his affair for political gain. The Republicans didn’t care one bit about making the subjects of oral intercourse and semen stains on dresses an issue to splash all over radio, television, and newspapers. Frankly, it was an affair, a very bad thing; a terrible thing. But the Republicans exploited a man’s sin and subjected your children to the details for political gain. That is what I find repugnant.

And in spite of it all…their marriage survived. That’s more than I can say about most marriages that suffer from an affair. God hates divorce. No one rejoiced that they steered clear of divorce and have put things back together. I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with Clinton on every subject by far. But I do thank God another marriage didn’t bite the dust after the Republicans did all they could to exploit the man’s sin and making sure the details were broadcasted before our families.

The issue should have been handled in a marriage counselor’s office not on CNN. The Republicans should be ashamed...but nobody wants to talk about that.
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:47 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Dora,I'm no Bill Clinton fan but you'd be surprised of all the politicians who have moral issues. the only difference with Bill is he got caught.

how many republicans have gotten caught just last year? mark fooley was caught texting under age boys, senator craig was caught soliciting in a restroom, and i could go on.

George washington and Thomas Jefferson had many children by their slaves/
Republicans always get a free pass.
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Old 02-05-2008, 01:53 PM
Light Light is offline
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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Really??? An internationally known leader attends your church and you refuse to come? why ?
If it was a bush they would be there in a heart beat.
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Wow…tell us how you really feel. LOL

Sis, Presidents and men in Congress have been having extramarital affairs going all the way back to our Founding Fathers. Men are a fallen sinful bunch. I know we romanticize the White House and talk about honor and integrity…but the reality is often plagued by our sinful natures. This isn’t just the case in America, this was even happening in ancient Israel. As a matter of fact Israel’s greatest king, a man after God’s own heart, had multiple wives, and a very sordid affair while ruling on the throne. It’s just the way things are. It doesn’t make it right…but the idea that one man has single handedly “dishonored” a political office is just laughable to me. Clinton had an affair and lied about it…it’s not like he lied about WMDs and engaged us in an unnecessary war of choice in the midst of a global war on terror.

Young people don’t sit around idolizing politicians. Most young people can’t even tell you who the Vice President or Secretary of Defense is. Most young people idolize sports stars or movie heroes. And only the most foolish of parents would even want, encourage, or allow their child to idolize ANY politician. Our kids are products of our nation’s parents and what the parents allow them to be. It’s easy to blame Clinton, Michael Jordan, or whoever for our kids becoming little devils. But the ultimate responsibility was, is, and always will be on parents. I teach my family to look up to only one man….Jesus Christ. While my children most likely look up to me to some degree, I’ve repeatedly told them I’m just trying my best to be a good father in spite of all my flaws. I’m nothing without Jesus.

One can be a good person and have a good heart but at the same time have very deep personal moral failings and struggles. I think the Bush Administration’s blatant misinformation campaign regarding the war in Iraq brings far more dishonor on the office than the moral failings in a man’s private life. Clinton’s affairs are a marital issue. Think about it…the Republicans didn’t care one bit to exploit his affair for political gain. The Republicans didn’t care one bit about making the subjects of oral intercourse and semen stains on dresses an issue to splash all over radio, television, and newspapers. Frankly, it was an affair, a very bad thing; a terrible thing. But the Republicans exploited a man’s sin and subjected your children to the details for political gain. That is what I find repugnant.

And in spite of it all…their marriage survived. That’s more than I can say about most marriages that suffer from an affair. God hates divorce. No one rejoiced that they steered clear of divorce and have put things back together. I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with Clinton on every subject by far. But I do thank God another marriage didn’t bite the dust after the Republicans did all they could to exploit the man’s sin and making sure the details were broadcasted before our families.

The issue should have been handled in a marriage counselor’s office not on CNN. The Republicans should be ashamed...but nobody wants to talk about that.
What you said about the office and King David was very good. Having your kids look to Jesus is very good.

However, you comments on WMD lies as you say is propaganda of the Media.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:26 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

It’s my opinion that Bush’s entire position was based on misinformation:

“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney August 26, 2002

“Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons”
George W. Bush, Sep. 12, 2002

“Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons”
George W. Bush, Radio Address, Oct. 5, 2002

“The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."
George W. Bush, Oct. 7, 2002

“And surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons.”
George W. Bush Oct 10, 2002

“Iraq could decide on any given day to provide biological or chemical weapons to a terrorist group or to individual terrorists,...The war on terror will not be won until Iraq is completely and verifiably deprived of weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney Dec 1, 2002

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... “
George W. Bush, Jan. 28, 2003

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”
George W. Bush January 28, 2003

“We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.”
Colin Powell February 5, 2003

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”
George Bush March 18, 2003

“There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. As this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.”
Gen. Tommy Franks March 22, 2003

“We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.”
Donald Rumsfeld March 30, 2003

“We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.”
George Bush April 24, 2003

“There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.”
Donald Rumsfeld April 25, 2003

“We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so.”
George Bush May 3, 2003

“I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program.”
George W. Bush May 6, 2003

All of this was proven to have been false. WMDs were never found or used against our troops during or after the invasion of Iraq. After his capture and under interrogation, Saddam admitted that he lied to keep his people in afraid and his troops more loyal. Intelligence experts now admit that we had no concrete evidence of anything that was claimed by the Bush Administration.

And in the event that someone has forgotten…Iraq didn’t attack us. It was al Queda with support of the Taliban. Oh…the Taliban…they’re starting to make gains in Afghanistan. That’s where we should be concentrating our efforts but Bush divided our forces between two countries.

Remember this one…

“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”
President Bush, Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union Address

That was latter proven to be misinformation.

Either Bush lied…or his administration used the faultiest intelligence ever to justify military action, action that has thus far killed over 80,000 Iraqi civilians.

The words “deceptive” or “incompetent” come to mind. Take your pick. LOL

It goes back to how much one values our troops. If Bush really valued our troops he wouldn’t have deployed them to Iraq without CONCRETE evidence worth having them loose their lives over. Now we have a war we cannot sustain financially or with personnel. Bush refuses to hand over authority to the Iraqis or the UN and begin withdraws admitting he got in too deep. He’d rather drag it out until after the next election so that another Administration has to deal with it and take the flack for pulling us out. Meanwhile…soldiers die.

While Clinton was a sinful man, he didn’t do anything on the level of President Bush in my opinion. I think this will be remembered as one of the biggest misjudgments ever made by an American President.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:33 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

But anyway, like I said, I pray Clinton got something from visiting that Apostolic church.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It’s my opinion that Bush’s entire position was based on misinformation:

“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney August 26, 2002

“Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons”
George W. Bush, Sep. 12, 2002

“Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons”
George W. Bush, Radio Address, Oct. 5, 2002

“The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."
George W. Bush, Oct. 7, 2002

“And surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons.”
George W. Bush Oct 10, 2002

“Iraq could decide on any given day to provide biological or chemical weapons to a terrorist group or to individual terrorists,...The war on terror will not be won until Iraq is completely and verifiably deprived of weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney Dec 1, 2002

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... “
George W. Bush, Jan. 28, 2003

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”
George W. Bush January 28, 2003

“We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.”
Colin Powell February 5, 2003

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”
George Bush March 18, 2003

“There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. As this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.”
Gen. Tommy Franks March 22, 2003

“We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.”
Donald Rumsfeld March 30, 2003

“We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.”
George Bush April 24, 2003

“There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.”
Donald Rumsfeld April 25, 2003

“We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so.”
George Bush May 3, 2003

“I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program.”
George W. Bush May 6, 2003

All of this was proven to have been false. WMDs were never found or used against our troops during or after the invasion of Iraq. After his capture and under interrogation, Saddam admitted that he lied to keep his people in afraid and his troops more loyal. Intelligence experts now admit that we had no concrete evidence of anything that was claimed by the Bush Administration.

And in the event that someone has forgotten…Iraq didn’t attack us. It was al Queda with support of the Taliban. Oh…the Taliban…they’re starting to make gains in Afghanistan. That’s where we should be concentrating our efforts but Bush divided our forces between two countries.

Remember this one…

“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”
President Bush, Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union Address

That was latter proven to be misinformation.

Either Bush lied…or his administration used the faultiest intelligence ever to justify military action, action that has thus far killed over 80,000 Iraqi civilians.

The words “deceptive” or “incompetent” come to mind. Take your pick. LOL

It goes back to how much one values our troops. If Bush really valued our troops he wouldn’t have deployed them to Iraq without CONCRETE evidence worth having them loose their lives over. Now we have a war we cannot sustain financially or with personnel. Bush refuses to hand over authority to the Iraqis or the UN and begin withdraws admitting he got in too deep. He’d rather drag it out until after the next election so that another Administration has to deal with it and take the flack for pulling us out. Meanwhile…soldiers die.

While Clinton was a sinful man, he didn’t do anything on the level of President Bush in my opinion. I think this will be remembered as one of the biggest misjudgments ever made by an American President.

Actually, they did find evidence of WMD. One of Saddum's generals also admitted they had WMD.

The MEDIA that so many want to believe wants you to believe a different story.

But the Military knows another story.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:38 PM
Rev Rev is offline
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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It’s my opinion that Bush’s entire position was based on misinformation:

“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney August 26, 2002

“Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons”
George W. Bush, Sep. 12, 2002

“Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons”
George W. Bush, Radio Address, Oct. 5, 2002

“The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."
George W. Bush, Oct. 7, 2002

“And surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons.”
George W. Bush Oct 10, 2002

“Iraq could decide on any given day to provide biological or chemical weapons to a terrorist group or to individual terrorists,...The war on terror will not be won until Iraq is completely and verifiably deprived of weapons of mass destruction.”
Dick Cheney Dec 1, 2002

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... “
George W. Bush, Jan. 28, 2003

“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”
George W. Bush January 28, 2003

“We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.”
Colin Powell February 5, 2003

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”
George Bush March 18, 2003

“There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. As this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.”
Gen. Tommy Franks March 22, 2003

“We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.”
Donald Rumsfeld March 30, 2003

“We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.”
George Bush April 24, 2003

“There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.”
Donald Rumsfeld April 25, 2003

“We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so.”
George Bush May 3, 2003

“I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program.”
George W. Bush May 6, 2003

All of this was proven to have been false. WMDs were never found or used against our troops during or after the invasion of Iraq. After his capture and under interrogation, Saddam admitted that he lied to keep his people in afraid and his troops more loyal. Intelligence experts now admit that we had no concrete evidence of anything that was claimed by the Bush Administration.

And in the event that someone has forgotten…Iraq didn’t attack us. It was al Queda with support of the Taliban. Oh…the Taliban…they’re starting to make gains in Afghanistan. That’s where we should be concentrating our efforts but Bush divided our forces between two countries.

Remember this one…

“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”
President Bush, Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union Address

That was latter proven to be misinformation.

Either Bush lied…or his administration used the faultiest intelligence ever to justify military action, action that has thus far killed over 80,000 Iraqi civilians.

The words “deceptive” or “incompetent” come to mind. Take your pick. LOL

It goes back to how much one values our troops. If Bush really valued our troops he wouldn’t have deployed them to Iraq without CONCRETE evidence worth having them loose their lives over. Now we have a war we cannot sustain financially or with personnel. Bush refuses to hand over authority to the Iraqis or the UN and begin withdraws admitting he got in too deep. He’d rather drag it out until after the next election so that another Administration has to deal with it and take the flack for pulling us out. Meanwhile…soldiers die.

While Clinton was a sinful man, he didn’t do anything on the level of President Bush in my opinion. I think this will be remembered as one of the biggest misjudgments ever made by an American President.
i would have believed you without you going to all that trouble.

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Old 02-05-2008, 03:39 PM
Rev Rev is offline
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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Did you hear that Bill Clinton was a guest at Bishop Noel Jones' church in Los Angeles Sunday ???

here's the link http://thedailyvoice.com/voice/2008/...at-la-blac.php

what is your opinion of this ???

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Old 02-05-2008, 03:43 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bill Clinton was guest Spkr.@ Apostolic ch. Su

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Actually, they did find evidence of WMD. One of Saddum's generals also admitted they had WMD.

The MEDIA that so many want to believe wants you to believe a different story.

But the Military knows another story.
Can you provide sources? I'm interested in looking it over.
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