Mixed news for Trump.
First, after a disastrous week, he has some relief ahead with likely Yuuuuge wins in NY and other northeastern States. Also, it appears he's beginning to understand in order to win a contested convention, he'll need a campaign for delegates. He hired a well known delegate shark, Paul Manafort, to lead Trump's outreach there.
But there is some bad news. Already, Manafort has threatened to quit the campaign and is meeting with Trump today with some demands. Manafort and Corey are not playing nice together.
Corey fired a Trump aide from Colorado, less than 48 hours after the aide landed there. And the reason is because the aide was in communication with Manafort, something which Corey demanded the aide not do.
From my cheap seats, were I Trump, I'd fire Corey, or send him to Trump campaign's Siberia and give Manafort the keys to the shiny, gold, campaign.
The only way Trump can have a change at a contested convention is with Manafort.