My point in asking your age was not about your respect or point was just making sure you were not a 13 or 15 year old young person out here sparring with people much older. It can bread confusion in the home of parents who have no idea what their child is up to.
In my interaction on these forums, I have never liked the idea that a kid can come on and duke it out with adults who have no idea they are dealing with someone's child. That is the one variable that I wish were not here...and it is anothe danger with the just don't know who you are talking to.
In the act of fairness...I am 41.
Hey, i actually agree with you on that one! =D But no, I'm 19!
Dude, you better back off. I don't know who you are - or who you think you are, but I would doubt very seriously that what YOUR family has put into this organization even begins to compare to what this man's family has endured during their "insignificant" 35 years of ministry!
As far as what started this particular part of the conversation - you have no idea what Prax's relationship with PW is now or has been in the past. There are MANY ministers that are peers and/or relatives that in a conversation like this one would be referred to by his first name - because a first-name basis is part of their relationship. There was no disrespect in Prax's post that referenced his first name. I doubt very seriously that Prax would have referenced him as "Phil" if there wasn't some history to their relationship.
On the other hand, I have read posts where a first name was used and it was definitely used with disrespect - I agree with your premise when that occurs.
As far as referring to the UPC by some of the names posted.... it's kind of like family - I can say whatever I want to about them and their idiosyncrasies - but woe be unto an outsider (or a relative who thinks they are better than us) saying the same thing I said!
Sweet Pea...that is basically the point I was making. One can say things about the UPC but call it "good fun" even when their genuine opinion of the organization is not one that puts it in that light. If someone were to leave the WPF acrimoniously then come out and begin using that kind of "family talk" with people who are still in the organization and still do hold the organization in high regard, I would say the same thing. As imperfect as the UPC is, it is still a very significant part of my family and my personal culture and identity.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Is this a spitting contest? If I lined up all in my family I bet it could rival anyone here....but who cares?!!!!
That's why I tried to steer it away from that as quickly as possible. That was not my point at all. That has just become a part of Pentecost though now I guess. I'm more excited about the people in my church who are coming in now that have never heard the Apostolic message who are beginning Apostolic legacies.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Well, if you took the time to go back and read the post about, "An average american spends 3 hours watching television a day," then you'd understand!
Kendrick...something I find interesting about you just by reading a few of your posts is there seems to be a lack of humility and kindness... Your 19 but already you seem to be a jerk... sorry for the roughness..but if you are the example for young men who are up and coming... you need to pray thru...find a little kindness and grace and start reposting with a better spirit and attitude...
you get more from bears with honey than you do with vinegar...
Kendrick...something I find interesting about you just by reading a few of your posts is there seems to be a lack of humility and kindness... Your 19 but already you seem to be a jerk... sorry for the roughness..but if you are the example for young men who are up and coming... you need to pray thru...find a little kindness and grace and start reposting with a better spirit and attitude...
you get more from bears with honey than you do with vinegar...
There's bears on here?
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Kendrick...something I find interesting about you just by reading a few of your posts is there seems to be a lack of humility and kindness... Your 19 but already you seem to be a jerk... sorry for the roughness..but if you are the example for young men who are up and coming... you need to pray thru...find a little kindness and grace and start reposting with a better spirit and attitude...
you get more from bears with honey than you do with vinegar...
Isn't that the truth.I've read been following this thread and some of the attitudes are not good.Some of you UC's should take a lesson from Bro Epley,go back and read his posts.He is more conservative than anyone on the board but everyone loves him and he posts very wisely.