Originally Posted by Thad
That is hilarious! yea we noticed that your lips had been a little redder then before  <---
that's too bad because I had heard that your wife was really hoping and pushing for you to get back in the UPC!

I laughed so hard when I saw this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAD - YOU ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah - she is REALLY pushing for me to get back in all that!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She begged me to not get in all of it to start with - but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I just HAD to go jump off into the deep water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did have a call a couple weeks ago - and I do love the brother - but he asked me - If you had it to do all over again - what would you do different? I said - I really wish I had left it SOONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you guys that live in that house. I love you, I just can't live there!