Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Help me out, please?
1. When was the last time you taught a bible study?
2. Are you teaching from the pulpit, or a personal home bible study?
3. What is the topic of the study?
4. Is the study weekly?
5. Is the study "canned", or something of your own making?
Someone just asked me what everyone is using. I thought maybe you would be willing to help me out.
I use a variety of materials.
1. Teaching at present
2. Teaching to individuals outside the pulpit
3. Focused on the plight of man and the provision of the Savior!
4. It is weekly
5. It is La Palabra De Dios Espuesta con Claridad!
It is very difficult for me as my language skills have eroded significantly over the past 30 years with no practice. My vocabulary is coming back, albeit very slowly. That said, there is something very clear in the words
"Y en ningún otro hay salvación; porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo, dado a los hombres, en que podamos ser salvos." Gloria a Dios!