Well, i can remain a subject to the leaders, and even pray for them, and still understand
Romans 13 in the context of 1Sam8. And still recognize that human government is not God's plan for a believer. At any rate, i take
Rom 13 in context, and obey just laws--but not "to a fault." None of these require my allegiance, nor my loyalty.
I'm curious, just as a thought experiment; whom would one justly obey if some UN rep came to them and required a more moral action that went against their country's law? Regardless of the available dodges there, it can easily be argued that they are a higher "leader."
And really, how far down this road must anyone go to see that they are now fully "in the world?" How much more "in the world" can one get? I mean, you're right below "running for office" at that point. Don't get me wrong--if this were even 100 years ago, Connie still more or less valid, my answers might be different--to my shame, actually.