Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Originally from Wisconsin, Harry Morse (1879-1963) worked in Stockton
before 1900, but returned prior to 1910 as a pastor, see, Wallace, Profiles, vol. 2, 283;
Haney, Man of the Hills, 32. Morse was a key leader in the expansion of the movement
in the region, see, “Our Trip Down the Coast,” Meat in Due Season, June 1915, vol. 1,
no. 6, 2. Harry and Maude Morse were part of the pre-merger, pre-Oneness PAW, see,
1917 PAW Minute Book, 15, and already on the Ninth St. location where they started the
popular Missionary Training School. Several leaders, such as Oscar Vouga, originated
from Morse’s work, see, Wallace, Profiles, 244-246.
GT Haywood, by French page 328 footnote