Originally Posted by Jay
Only in part. Paul was actually content with his heritage, and even referenced in the epistles to the Gentiles, especially when he tells them that they are not under any portion of the law.
I do agree that men ought to have a day of rest, but even Jesus said that the Sabbath was ordained for man and not the other way around. Thus I do not view that the Sabbath according to Scripture was ever meant to remain as a permanent ordinance especially for the Gentile church. This is especially true concerning the strict adherence that many who believe this place upon it.
The typical Sunday-worshiping argument. "We are not under any portion of the law." Yet we still do not kill, steal. covet.. oh wait... we do covet, don't we??? Perhaps you are correct!
I do not read that the Sabbath was ever changed for Christians who were first Jews or that a 'second Sabbath' was made for Gentile converts who continued to worship on the Sabbath for a few centuries. I do read that Sunday worship was preferred by Constantine who was a Sun god worshiper. He, in all likelihood, was never even really converted as evidenced by his refusal for baptism until his death bed. He was simply a politician that saw it as a good career move to claim Christianity as his religion to smooth his path with what was becoming the majority. Many do this today also so it should be a concept we understand.
There are many other facts that OPs recognize from this era if one reads D. Bernard's History Of The Christian Church correctly. Unfortunately when they took back those truths about Jesus name baptism and God's Oneness they did not go far enough and take back the Sabbath, much to their detriment. Like most mistakes, once made, it is easier to try to justify than to correct them and admit you were wrong. A few brave churches are doing just that but unraveling tradition can be a mighty hard thing and I am sympathetic to those who find it too big a job.
I see over and over that Christians are told that they are allowed many liberties, Many places that the Bible, when it appears to contradict, is simply saying let common sense rule in a situation and don't judge your brother when he is doing the best he can with what he has. I love that, it bring peace to me when others don't see it my way.
I believe that where there is a choice we should try to honor God in the ways that he has ordained and that the bible was given us so that we could know what those ways are. Trying to erase the old testaments moral laws and commandments is foolish. We were given the Holy Spirit in order to be able to find strength to keep those moral laws and when not able mercy is extended through repentance. I do not hear anyone trying to argue that we should attempt to keep ceremonial laws, although Oneness Pentecostalism does attempt to keep some of them, I certainly am not.
You are right the Sabbath is a gift from God to man. You do not have to take it. My favorite comparison is to the Holy Spirit which is also a gift from God. You can refuse it, many do, but is it to your benefit? When God gives gifts I want to be the first one in line with my hand out