Response to the OP continues .....
He moved to strip satan of his interactions with and habitations of the material universe to the maximum degree. This left satan with a total loss of his trusted position of power, authority, and the free use of the Lord's creations.
Scriptures related to satan's fall reflect this very possibility and we can find these in Isaiah chapter 14, and
Ezekiel 28.
The Lord's initial and perfect universe was inhabited by the angelic realm in the beginning and included vast arrays of His perfect creative works. Included were endless places of habitation with all kinds of interesting life forms.
The angels were created just before that of the material universe. We know this because they observed His creative processes.
God speaks in Job chapter 38:
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth,
where are the foundations fastened,
who laid the corner stone,
when the morning stars sang together
and the sons of God shouted for joy ?"
Job 38:4-7]
We are told in Scripture that Satan was originally a covering cherub of the highest order of angels. He was given great authority, responsibilities, and the use of the Lord's creations.
Satan walked, and still does walk, among the stones of fire [heavenly bodies, stars, and planets].
His walk today is one in desperation since the universe is a very hostile place and his opportunities are very limited.
Most of his focus is now and has been on the earth since the creation of humans of our kind and his objective is always to destroy them by any means possible. Satan hates the idea of future human immortality.
He will be confined to the earth with no further access to the heavenly dimensions at the time of the end of this present age. His visitation will be violent and extremely destructive before his is captured and sent to the abyss. [
Revelation 12, 20]
Satan was initially upon the Lord's holy mountain [His government] before his rebellion and had a position at a very high level in the Lord's universal government.
A day came when the Lord found satan abusing his granted and vaulted position and it was all down hill for him from that time forward.
He found iniquity, pride, arrogance, and greed in satan's behavior. Satan may have been hiding his ambitions, but did not hide his actions.
He was apparently engaged in using his position, authority, and personal attributes to possess and distribute the wealth of the Lord's material universe for his own gain by any means including violence.
His market place was the entire universe which was created in perfection and included great material wealth and blessings from the Lord. Satan's merchandising was the beginning of his down fall.
This behavior corrupted satan and pushed him further to the extent that he challenged the Lord's position and as creator and ruler of the universe. He then set out to rebel against Him and to replace Him.
This is what satan said regarding his intentions:
"I will ascend into heaven"
"I will exalt my throne above the stars of God"
"I will sit upon the mountain of the congregations"
"I will ascend above the clouds and be like the most High"
Isaiah 14:13-14]
For this the Lord cast him out of his original position in His government and He will ultimately destroy satan so that he will no longer walk freely among the stones of fire [heavenly bodies, stars, and planets].
The Lord began His judgment process sometime between the rebellion of satan and 1/3 of the angelic realm and the reconditioning of the earth about 6,000 years ago.
He brought darkness, disorder, and destruction to satan's valued habitations in order to punish him for his pride, arrogance, and rebellion. The earth and related solar system was affected in the process.
The planet Mars appears that it was a habitation of ancient life forms and it has not been restored like the earth. The earth has been uniquely reconditioned while the others of the solar system are still uninhabitable.
There is evidence of forces much greater than that of Noah's flood which altered and twisted the earth's topography at some time in the far distant past.
There is also evidence of the existence of life forms over an enormous period of time which reflect entropy, decay, and death before the Lord's renovation of the earth just 6,000 years ago.
Genesis 1:2 gives us a picture of an earth that had been visited by the Lord with devastating destructive forces for the purpose of dealing with satan's intransigence.
He was not willing to allow satan and his followers to exercise unmitigated and unlimited corruption of His universe in their fallen state of rebellion.
Genesis 1:3 tells us that the Lord then moved to recondition the earth for the habitation of human beings who were to be created in His own image.
This unique creature would be His centerpiece with an ultimate journey to inhabit new heavens and a new earth which He will produce in the future. [
Genesis 1:26-27;
Revelation 7:9-17; 21:1-7; 22:1-5]