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Old 06-16-2011, 06:29 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
is there really any proof of the ice age.? Bible said he parted the waters not ice.
There is ample proof of ice ages. No, the bible does not indicate it, but the Bible does not tell everything God did in His creation. My goodness, could you imagine how big the bible would be if He told us everything he did?
The "days" of creation are not a detailed account, just the general account of what he did and in the order He did it.
T-rex is not mentioned in the Bible, yet they did exist. Right?
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Old 06-16-2011, 06:41 PM
Truth Files Truth Files is offline

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Re: The Gap Theory

"Though your Interpretations is welcomed. I personally dont agree with it"

I believe that the dinosaurs existed before Genesis 1:2 and not after ..... the Lord just did not replace these life forms when He re-conditioned the earth about 6,000 years ago for the purpose of setting up an environment for humans of our kind made in His image .... a first

If there were huge reptilian creatures on the earth during the time lapse of about 1000 years between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 6 [the flood] these would be recorded in the scriptures during the same period .... they are not

The first humans had a much longer life span during the period and would have definitely had encounters with the monster reptiles .... there is no record of the same in the related scriptures

I have more information on this subject and will post it soon
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
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Old 06-16-2011, 07:23 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Truth Files View Post
"Though your Interpretations is welcomed. I personally dont agree with it"

I believe that the dinosaurs existed before Genesis 1:2 and not after ..... the Lord just did not replace these life forms when He re-conditioned the earth about 6,000 years ago for the purpose of setting up an environment for humans of our kind made in His image .... a first

If there were huge reptilian creatures on the earth during the time lapse of about 1000 years between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 6 [the flood] these would be recorded in the scriptures during the same period .... they are not

The first humans had a much longer life span during the period and would have definitely had encounters with the monster reptiles .... there is no record of the same in the related scriptures

I have more information on this subject and will post it soon
Not sure about all your interpetation, but as you said, "Though your Interpretations is welcomed. I personally dont agree with it"
Kangaroos are not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, yet we know they did and do exist. Just because something is not mentioned, does not mean it did not exist. Were the dinos here after Adam? Don't know. they may have already gone extinct prior to Adam and perhaps during the Gap. That's fine.
Oh. Where did you get this information, "the time lapse of about 1000 years between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 6 [the flood]"
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Old 06-16-2011, 07:27 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
is there really any proof of the ice age.? Bible said he parted the waters not ice.
Ice age is too obvious with or without what biblical record there is.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 06-16-2011, 07:44 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by scotty View Post
Science contains too many flaws for me to give it much weight. They change too much. The more they study the more they correct themselves and find their own findings to be wrong.
But, by your own admission, they will change their views when proven wrong. I know some that refuse to alter or adjust any of their positions regardless of any evidence Scientifically OR Biblically.
It is not a violation of God's word to change our views as we learn more of his word which quite often is not always the way it was handed down to us via tradition.
What I have found is if one studies the scriptures, one finds science and the Bible do not really have that many disagreements.
True, some scientists refuse to believe most things Bible and some Bible believers have a real hard time accepting things scientificly, both are the losers and narrow minded.
The Bible and science are not contrary to each other.
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Old 06-16-2011, 07:48 PM
Truth Files Truth Files is offline

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Re: The Gap Theory

"Where did you get this information, "the time lapse of about 1000 years between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 6 [the flood]"

If you study the aging of the generations of Israel presented in the O.T. you can determine that there has been about 6000 years [prophetic years] since Genesis 1:2

1000 years: human creation to the flood

1000 years: flood to Abraham

1000 years: Abraham to David

1000 years: David to Jesus Christ

2000 years: Jesus Christ to the present
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
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Old 06-16-2011, 08:03 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Truth Files View Post
"Where did you get this information, "the time lapse of about 1000 years between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 6 [the flood]"

If you study the aging of the generations of Israel presented in the O.T. you can determine that there has been about 6000 years [prophetic years] since Genesis 1:2

1000 years: human creation to the flood

1000 years: flood to Abraham

1000 years: Abraham to David

1000 years: David to Jesus Christ

2000 years: Jesus Christ to the present
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Not sure where you see "human creation" in Gen 1:2 and to conclude there is 1000 years from gen 1:2 until the flood. Not seeing your connection here as Humans had not yet been formed at this point, that I can see.
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Old 06-16-2011, 08:30 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Humans were created on the 6th 24 hour day

This time lapse of His setting out to recondition the earth after His previous judgment begins with Genesis 1:2 .... one can then track the aging of the humans recorded to the flood ..... about 1000 years [in fact some of them had life spans close to this time value]

Let me say this: the natural man cannot understand the Bible .... one must possess His Holy Spirit in the study, if not, it simply will not happen

The stand off between the Bible's account of creation and the many theories of human design like evolution will continue until the Lord's closes the story, and then all will know the truth .... both those saved for eternity .... and those unsaved and lost forever

The authenticity of the claims made in scripture that the Bible is in fact the word of the living God can be proven by the study and correct rendering of the prophetic scriptures .... and the Bible is the only reliable source given to humans for knowing the truth about all things that He has conveyed
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
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Old 06-16-2011, 08:40 PM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Response to the OP continued .....

The Lord's extend plans and purposes for the human are eternal and future from the present. We are creatures with independent wills and must choose our ultimate destiny.

The first humans of our kind were Adam and Eve, and the Lord placed them in a special place on earth called the garden of Eden where they enjoyed the His presence.

There is also another garden of Eden associated with mountain of the Lord [the symbol of His government], and the garden is His perfect universe

Adam and Eve knew that he created them and at first they obeyed His perfect direction and providence for living in harmony with His creation and associated environment.

It is not known today exactly where the garden of Eden on the earth was located, but there is a convergence of four rivers recorded in Genesis that apparently flowed from the area.

They are the Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel [Tigris], and Euphrates. The last two of these rivers flow south and east from northeastern Turkey, and northern Iraq. [Genesis 10:2-14]

It is believed that the Pison flowed southward toward Arabia and the Gihon flowed northward toward the original Asian branch of the land of Cush [northern Iraq].

There is possible identification of these other two rivers today, although there are more than four rivers in the area and Noah's flood may have adjusted their courses.

This area is also close to Noah's landing on the mountains of Ararat after the Lord's judgment of the flood approximately 1,000 years later.

The Euphrates is the river that will dry up at the time of the end of this present age to make way for the armies of the kings of the east headed for the battle of Armageddon. [Revelation 16:12]

It is significant to note that the focus of the Bible prophecies just prior to the second advent of the Lord is in the area where human existence began and continued just after the flood. [Genesis 10:1-11; 11:1-9]

I believe that this same area today is well worth watching by the student of Bible prophecy as related to the coming time of the end of this present age. [Psalms 83; Isaiah 11; Jeremiah 30; Ezekiel 36,37,38,39; Daniel 2:31-45; 7:7-27; 8:9; 11:36-45; 12:1-7; Micah4; 5; Zechariah 14; Luke 21]

Much of the far distant history of the earth, our solar system, and Lord's endless universe is not revealed in scripture. There are only a few direct insights given and the rest has to be contemplated by the reader.

One can formulate a broader picture by deductive reason and indirect application of scriptural texts under the guidance of His Holy Spirit. We must also realize that there is much the Lord has not and does not reveal to us at this time.

If one considers that His original creation was perfect and complete in every way, then one must ponder why it is not so now. What would have caused Him to set His creation on a course of entropy, decay, and death ?

Why did He warn the first humans about 6,000 years ago of the existence and presence of evil and give His command to avoid the same ? Scripture has some information to consider. [Genesis 2:16-17]

We are told about satan's rebellion against the Lord and his resultant fall which is specifically recorded in scripture. [Isaiah 14:12; Ezekiel 28:12 Revelation 12:3-4; 12:7-12]

We also get the impression that this angelic creature was himself a perfect creation in the beginning.

If we could look at the past of a pre-Adamite earth as being corrupted by satan and his fallen angels we might see a planet, solar system, and beyond with very strange and despicable habitations.

One example would be the blood thirsty world of the flesh eating reptiles that we find in the fossil records today.

Where did these creatures come from and why would he Lord create and allow them to exist over extended periods of time on the earth ?

The answer may be that these were satanic corruptions of altered genetic material life forms. This is most likely why satan is often referred to as an ancient serpent or dragon in scripture.

Would the Lord have allowed satan and his angels to manufacture these hideous creatures for fun and games on the earth and other planets ? He may have until He decided to bring this activity it to a halt.

Could satan have been allowed to alter genetic DNA for producing his gladiator lizards for sport ?

Humans have discovered this process of DNA manipulation today and are doing it to some degree. If we can, then it is very possible that satan had the ability to do the same to a much greater extent.

There is no telling what this angelic creature and his followers were doing in the long distant past after their rebellion against the Lord.

If left alone to experiment, he could very well have been the inventor of a very strange and deadly world that one would not want to visit.

I am speculating about these things, but the more significant question might be, what was the Lord's reaction to the rebellion of satan and 1/3 of all of the angels ?

I think the answer relates to the observable conditions of decay and death found in the fossil records, and the massive upheaval of the earth's crust.

Genesis 1:2 states that the earth was at the time totally covered by the great deep and in total darkness. All life forms on the surface and in the waters had been eliminated.

The Lord would surely react to satan's venture to show him that his actions were folly and doomed to failure. His response was devastating and on a scale of universal proportion including the earth.
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
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Old 06-16-2011, 08:42 PM
Truth Files Truth Files is offline

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Re: The Gap Theory

Response to the OP continues .....

He moved to strip satan of his interactions with and habitations of the material universe to the maximum degree. This left satan with a total loss of his trusted position of power, authority, and the free use of the Lord's creations.

Scriptures related to satan's fall reflect this very possibility and we can find these in Isaiah chapter 14, and Ezekiel 28.

The Lord's initial and perfect universe was inhabited by the angelic realm in the beginning and included vast arrays of His perfect creative works. Included were endless places of habitation with all kinds of interesting life forms.

The angels were created just before that of the material universe. We know this because they observed His creative processes.

God speaks in Job chapter 38:

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth,
where are the foundations fastened,
who laid the corner stone,
when the morning stars sang together
and the sons of God shouted for joy ?"
[Job 38:4-7]

We are told in Scripture that Satan was originally a covering cherub of the highest order of angels. He was given great authority, responsibilities, and the use of the Lord's creations.

Satan walked, and still does walk, among the stones of fire [heavenly bodies, stars, and planets].

His walk today is one in desperation since the universe is a very hostile place and his opportunities are very limited.

Most of his focus is now and has been on the earth since the creation of humans of our kind and his objective is always to destroy them by any means possible. Satan hates the idea of future human immortality.

He will be confined to the earth with no further access to the heavenly dimensions at the time of the end of this present age. His visitation will be violent and extremely destructive before his is captured and sent to the abyss. [Revelation 12, 20]

Satan was initially upon the Lord's holy mountain [His government] before his rebellion and had a position at a very high level in the Lord's universal government.

A day came when the Lord found satan abusing his granted and vaulted position and it was all down hill for him from that time forward.

He found iniquity, pride, arrogance, and greed in satan's behavior. Satan may have been hiding his ambitions, but did not hide his actions.

He was apparently engaged in using his position, authority, and personal attributes to possess and distribute the wealth of the Lord's material universe for his own gain by any means including violence.

His market place was the entire universe which was created in perfection and included great material wealth and blessings from the Lord. Satan's merchandising was the beginning of his down fall.

This behavior corrupted satan and pushed him further to the extent that he challenged the Lord's position and as creator and ruler of the universe. He then set out to rebel against Him and to replace Him.

This is what satan said regarding his intentions:

"I will ascend into heaven"

"I will exalt my throne above the stars of God"

"I will sit upon the mountain of the congregations"

"I will ascend above the clouds and be like the most High"
[Isaiah 14:13-14]

For this the Lord cast him out of his original position in His government and He will ultimately destroy satan so that he will no longer walk freely among the stones of fire [heavenly bodies, stars, and planets].

The Lord began His judgment process sometime between the rebellion of satan and 1/3 of the angelic realm and the reconditioning of the earth about 6,000 years ago.

He brought darkness, disorder, and destruction to satan's valued habitations in order to punish him for his pride, arrogance, and rebellion. The earth and related solar system was affected in the process.

The planet Mars appears that it was a habitation of ancient life forms and it has not been restored like the earth. The earth has been uniquely reconditioned while the others of the solar system are still uninhabitable.

There is evidence of forces much greater than that of Noah's flood which altered and twisted the earth's topography at some time in the far distant past.

There is also evidence of the existence of life forms over an enormous period of time which reflect entropy, decay, and death before the Lord's renovation of the earth just 6,000 years ago.

Genesis 1:2 gives us a picture of an earth that had been visited by the Lord with devastating destructive forces for the purpose of dealing with satan's intransigence.

He was not willing to allow satan and his followers to exercise unmitigated and unlimited corruption of His universe in their fallen state of rebellion.

Genesis 1:3 tells us that the Lord then moved to recondition the earth for the habitation of human beings who were to be created in His own image.

This unique creature would be His centerpiece with an ultimate journey to inhabit new heavens and a new earth which He will produce in the future. [Genesis 1:26-27; Revelation 7:9-17; 21:1-7; 22:1-5]
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts

Last edited by Truth Files; 06-16-2011 at 08:45 PM.
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