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Old 12-19-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by easter View Post
I thought this would keep you guys busy till I got back

However as disturbing as it may seem I have been reading up on Nero.Now I'm not saying one way or the other but I have been checking into a spiritual coming of the Lord in 70 Ad and I might have to agree but not just yet.Still reading into it.
love the moose
To be honest with you, I too was researching certain things to "prove" preterism could not be correct, but I ended up concluding, it was my views that did not hold up to the scrutiny of honesty, and Biblical intent.
I dare say, some are afraid to honestly look into why preterist believe what they do believe, for concern there own views may need to be reconsidered.
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Old 12-20-2009, 01:51 AM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

If after being confronted with something, even though we might at first disagree with
it, search the scriptures to see if it be so. My late paternal grandmother, a devout Metho-
dist, was walking in all she knew and had heard. She heard a Pentecostal preacher
preach the plan of salvation. She thought he was wrong and set about to prove him
wrong. After a few weeks, she confessed that it was in the book. She felt betrayed by
her Methodist pastor who had never told her about that part. She repented and was
baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of her sins and received the Holy Ghost, evi-
denced by speaking in tongues as the SPIRIT GAVE THE UTTERANCE! Her discision in
1933 changed the course of our family for many generations.

We may feel that our discision, one way or another, is not all that important to our
family, but in essence, we could be choosing the course for generations to come. I
thank GOD for the discision Grandma made before I was born. Today I am a mother,
a grandmother (20) times. I have chosen the same path that Grandma and Dad and
Mom chose in 1958 at age 18 yrs. All of our children chose this path. Our children as
they have grown up, have chosen this path of blessings.

Our first little GREAT-Granddaughter, expected Feb. 1, 2010, has godly parents who
have chosen this path. We are not just choosing for ourselves but for our future gene-
rations. Think about it!
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the
perfect day.

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Old 12-20-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Things started for me when I read Larry Smiths the 70 weeks of Daniel several years ago. I saw it the first time I read it but it took me several years to accept it. It went against everything I had been taught for 45 years. I spoke with many ministers along with my own study and no one had any solid answers. This proved to me that most only accept what they have been taught and don't get into the word themselves. Once I accepted that Daniels 70 weeks were fulfilled in conpletion everything else that I had questions on over my life began to fall into place. Funny how looking at something from a different point of view can bring into focus things that were seen through a glass darkly.
In more recent years I have began to look at other doctrines from varying points of view to see how they line up with the rest of the word of God. And it amazes me how much more real God is to me and his word when I let God show me things over taking everything preached over the pulpit as the word from God.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 12-20-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Things started for me when I read Larry Smiths the 70 weeks of Daniel several years ago. I saw it the first time I read it but it took me several years to accept it. It went against everything I had been taught for 45 years.
Larry T Smith has a free online book here:



"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 12-20-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Larry T Smith has a free online book here:


Thanks I started to read it, I have always like Larry Smith and his spirit
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 12-20-2009, 10:44 PM
afp1996 afp1996 is offline
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by Monterrey View Post

It allmost makes you wish Epley was back, he added so much to these discussions!

It just hasn't been the same since Burke, Benin and Epley have been gone!

Maybe they got raptured out of here.

Let's see if I can fill their shoes!


Makes us feel like old times!
Epley never added anything to the discussion but jabs and jeers. Substance was on a diet when he spoke about eschatology. My experience anyways.
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Old 12-20-2009, 11:01 PM
afp1996 afp1996 is offline
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

For Preterism to be wrong, we would need a Futurist to prove that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was not a Coming of the Lord. Is there any Futurist out there who would be able to do so? Can even one Futurist prove with scripture that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is not a Coming of the Lord?

What, then, is the proper, biblical definion of a Coming of the Lord? It is that measuring stick which we would be able to prove or disprove Preterist Doctrine.

Any takers?

Last edited by afp1996; 12-20-2009 at 11:03 PM. Reason: Spelling errors.
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Old 12-20-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by afp1996 View Post
For Preterism to be wrong, we would need a Futurist to prove that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was not a Coming of the Lord. Is there any Futurist out there who would be able to do so? Can even one Futurist prove with scripture that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is not a Coming of the Lord?

What, then, is the proper, biblical definion of a Coming of the Lord? It is that measuring stick which we would be able to prove or disprove Preterist Doctrine.

Any takers?
Right. Even futurist scholars know Matt 21:40 refers to AD70, and it used the word COMEth.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:19 AM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by afp1996 View Post
For Preterism to be wrong, we would need a Futurist to prove that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was not a Coming of the Lord. Is there any Futurist out there who would be able to do so? Can even one Futurist prove with scripture that the desturction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is not a Coming of the Lord?

What, then, is the proper, biblical definion of a Coming of the Lord? It is that measuring stick which we would be able to prove or disprove Preterist Doctrine.

Any takers?
All you preterits are wrong, yous are going to burn if yous don't repent and become futurits!

For futurzits to be wrong we need a pretrit to prove tha tthe destruction of Jerusalme was a coming of the Lord. Can any Preterit prove with Scripture that the destruction of Jerusalem is a coming of the Lord?

Repent and be converted that your sins of heresy can be put under the blood!

Irvil Baster says it , I believes it, that settles it!


This man has it down! He is prophetic in his utterances! You would do well to listen you preterits!

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Old 12-21-2009, 05:59 AM
afp1996 afp1996 is offline
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Re: Why Preterism is a false doctrine

Originally Posted by Monterrey View Post
All you preterits are wrong, yous are going to burn if yous don't repent and become futurits!

For futurzits to be wrong we need a pretrit to prove tha tthe destruction of Jerusalme was a coming of the Lord. Can any Preterit prove with Scripture that the destruction of Jerusalem is a coming of the Lord?

Repent and be converted that your sins of heresy can be put under the blood!

Irvil Baster says it , I believes it, that settles it!


This man has it down! He is prophetic in his utterances! You would do well to listen you preterits!
Brother, I am not sure that you know what Irvin Baxter even believes. Frist of all that is. Second, I've been there, and I've done that. Even got a tee shirt so to speak. One is not proven wrong simply by you saying so. Either prove that the 70AD desturction of Jerusalem is not a Coming of the Lord or quit being a self-proclaimed heresy hunter. The bible says to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.

Obivously you "know" the truth, so shed a little light on us who are in "darkness". This should be an easy task, what with all the material you should have purchased from the above site.

See, you and those like you are consistant in judging us to be false but very few of you even show up at the courtroom to prove it, and those that do? Well the evidence is even less revealing than if you would have stayed out of the courtroom. This is the reason that futurists are loosing their numbers.

I understand that you are seeing more people move away from futurism and into Preterism. It must be so disheartening. But it is your own fault. If you were to give solid biblical answers to their questions then they would not be looking for those answers else where. But alas, there in is the problem. Futurism does not have solid biblical answers. Preterism does.

Prove it Bro. Prove it. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Here a little, there a little.
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