Originally Posted by berkeley
Do you feed the needy when they approach you and ask for a handout? Monday afternoon I decided to browse a christian bookstore. Before my entry, I was approached by a man and his wife. By all appearances they were homeless and hungry. They were dirty and gaunt. The man asked if I had any money to spare. "My wife is hungry, sir." I replied "I do not carry any cash. I do carry my (credit) card. If you'd like, I will pay for your meal," as I pointed to the pizza establishment adjacent to the bookstore. The man looked to his wife. She shook her head no. The man said,"I'm sorry to bother you, sir." And they turned away.
That's weird. They don't sound so desperate to me. There's the old saying, "beggars can't be choosers".
I typically give a little money if I have it on me, unless the Holy Spirit checks me about assisting the person.
One of the house churches I attended had a ministry called, "Helping Hands". It was a roster of volunteers that signed up to serve at the Dayton Gospel Mission. The mission feeds and assists many who are homeless or in desperate circumstances. I prefer to work with local organizations or refer individuals to local organizations. Many need more than a one time hand out. They need counseling, help with substance abuse, and temporary assistance to get on their feet. The two other charities I've worked with are Dressed to Work, which provides clothing for those seeking professional jobs that require a higher standard of dress or special uniforms, and the Dayton Foodbank.
This couple doesn't seem so desperate to me if they'd turn down a free meal.