Originally Posted by ManOfWord
Interesting.....I am also NOT a republican! I am a conservative independent.
It is the republicans who used and abused the Christian conservatives and it is the Christian conservatives who were naive enough to get suckered into it! That is what the republican party gets for exalting party over principles.
Whether you are a conservative, liberal, Libertarian, Green Peace party....whatever. That wasn't my point. The point is the perception of those who don't know Christ....most of which, are political liberals. We've alienated them by being more passionate about guns, school prayer, and the ten commandments in the Alabama courtroom, than the ideals of Jesus Christ.
I don't give a flying hoot about anyone's political affiliation. And neither does God. Is it really important if the government opposes Christianity or if Republicans "used and abused" Christian conservatives? Of course not.
The gospel of Christ has never flourished so well as when it has been so greatly opposed. China is the greatest modern-day example. When the early church was persecuted, it thrived.
Gun rights? Prayer in schools? Gay marriage? Socialized medicine? Prayer at graduations? "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays"?
Who cares. It doesn't make one bit of difference.
To make gun rights, or any of these other peripheral issues paramount in our culture of the church alienates a demographic of society God wants us to reach.
I'll duck now.