Senior Pastor Carter Conlon, of Times Square Church, has a CD on World Challenge, Inc.,
that is just beautiful. Entitled "Quiet Times" and is 5.00 for audio cass. or Audio CD.
When I first received a notice about it in the mail, several years ago, it mentioned that
he didn't consider himself a singer, etc. but I believe he wrote the songs under inspira-
tion of the Holy Ghost. Back then it cost 8.00 ea. but now is only 5.00. It is well worth
it. It has been played during prayer time at our church. I ordered 20 copies back then
and handed them out freely. That's how good it is. I ordered 10 more today as we have
new people coming in all time.
I also ordered DW's wife, Gwen's book. "Abiding in His Strength". I had misplaced mine.
It encouraged me as a much younger wife and mother, going through the struggles of
If God allows me to dialogue with others concerning anything which pertains to life and
godliness, I will do it, for I am NOT ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is THE POWER
of GOD unto salvation to eveyone that believeth, to the jew and also to the greek.
Back in the early 70's I could not have discussed doctrine with DW as I was not as
familiar with the Bible, plus was much younger, and had my hands full with small children,
etc. But God has prepared me so that I could witness more effectively now. I have had
much experence in many areas. Plus I have learned how to care for my own house first
so that I could help others also to better know how to care for the house of the Lord.
Just some thoughts,