Anyways, I am wondering what I look like in this deal. Am I a total jerk and gossip? Did I do the right or wrong thing? Should I just let God take care of the situation?
I feel like I should have just kept my mouth shut. But two things motivated me to tell. I am very loyal to whatever church I happen to be going to and I also always thought that this piano player was somewhat of a snob.
So theres the scenario, somebody analyze me.
To play the piano at the church down the street on an off night of ones own church does not a problem make.
Your pastor clearly stated that this would be gossip but somehow felt that texting the information would be different. I am not wanting to be harsh on this but if I were to call it like you see it...
You were suffering from Don Francisco syndrome. (Remember his song... Got To Tell Somebody).
You wanted to tell and nothing was going to deny you from doing it. Not even a clear statement from the pastor that this would be gossip for you to share that information.
What may have been a simple case of someone visiting another church on an off night might now turn into a situation where the pastor asks questions and an uncomfortable situation develops and the person ends up leaving because of the uncomfortable situation.
At which time all of the folks back at the home church can all make themselves feel better by talking about his heart was over there anyway.
But... that's just me.