You're moaning and groaning about "Socialism", but you're not bothered by Obama's confirmed Socialist connections in Chicago?
Please. We dont have to re-hash that all over again, since we already discussed it on another thread.... but you've seen the evidence of his membership in the socialistic New Party and his connection to the Socialist Democrats of America (the same evidence you tried hard to minimize and trash when I sent you all those links).
Fact is, Barack Obama will be the most Socialistic minded president we've ever had... and the only US president ever to have been a member of a Socialist party.
So you want him... you got him... but dont complain now about "Socialism".
Originally Posted by jezebelslayer
For the record,
I don't believe Sen. Obama to BE a Socialist.
Even if he was, the discussion at hand is about how INSANELY PREPOSTEROUS for this Republican to behave in such a Socialist way.
Even more discouraging is that there does not seem to be too many folks concerned to where this IS leading the country!
Now that out government, under REPUBLICAN leadership has intruded into the private sector, where is the pull out plan?
Vaguely reminiscent of another unwise, not thought out, knee jerk intrusion that has cost us billions of dollars and thousands of lives and it still costing us today!
This Bush WILL NEVER learn!
The buck stops with him!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Even if he was, the discussion at hand is about how INSANELY PREPOSTEROUS for this Republican to behave in such a Socialist way.
Even more discouraging is that there does not seem to be too many folks concerned to where this IS leading the country!
Now that out government, under REPUBLICAN leadership has intruded into the private sector, where is the pull out plan?
Vaguely reminiscent of another unwise, not thought out, knee jerk intrusion that has cost us billions of dollars and thousands of lives and it still costing us today!
This Bush WILL NEVER learn!
The buck stops with him!
Are you speaking in general terms or on this board? that being that there arent too many that are concerned?
And have you heard Barak Obama talking to "Joe the Plumber"? If that wasnt socialism then it doesnt exist.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I don't really care to much about being unAmerican...I much more care about being Biblical and Apostolic.
Why don't we dispose of the labels: "right", "left", "socialist" & "capitalist" which are un-Biblical (just like the Trinity, amen?) and let's go back to what the Bible says. Instead of trying to go with the usual "capitalist" vs. "socialist" argument, let's have a sound discourse on what it is the Bible says. I think we can all agree on this, amen?
The lack of concern in general-- it is as if every one is in a daze or something.
I did not hear or watch the debate last night, I fell asleep.
However, it is not socialist to tax the wealthy at a higher tax rate than the middle class and the poor.
First of all that bill failed to pass because of all the calls from Regular people like me. then after changes were made to it and it was "sweetened" it passed.... so the suggestion that there wasnt concern isnt accurate....
and secondly yea it is socialist to have a progressive tax system..... and we have alway had one so we have always dealt with a certain level of socialism.
The thing that is at issue here is degree. McCain believes that the roll of government is to create an atmosphere where businesses can build the economy and make everyones life better.
Barak Obama believes that taking money from those who have produced wealth in this nation and giving it to those who have not produced wealth in this country is the roll of government. and that is a brand of socalism that we left in 1980.
I for one dont want to go back.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I don't really care to much about being unAmerican...I much more care about being Biblical and Apostolic.
Why don't we dispose of the labels: "right", "left", "socialist" & "capitalist" which are un-Biblical (just like the Trinity, amen?) and let's go back to what the Bible says. Instead of trying to go with the usual "capitalist" vs. "socialist" argument, let's have a sound discourse on what it is the Bible says. I think we can all agree on this, amen?
This discussion is about the direction that our country is headed-- a direction which I do not believe to be the will of God.
This discussion is about how all of this is happening on a REPUBLICAN'S watch, in fact-- he encouraged it.
His Treasury Secretary gave private banks, "NO CHOICE" in the matter.
The direction that our country is headed in is technically referred to as "Socialism", which is a departure from the principles our country was founded on.
If one could make the argument that by becoming the U S S A, we would be a holy nation made right with God, then Socialism could be ok.
Sure, you're willing to let government invade our private financial parts-- but where will it stop?
The day will come when the "Church" won't be sacred-- then what?
I enjoy being able to worship, openly, at the church of my choice, don't you?
An act of tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere!
May the policies of Bush come to an end and the violence his policies have wrecked on the freedoms of my countrymen be wrecked on him and his family.
Rich people think their money insulates them from their wrong doing-- but God will find them and reward those who remain unrepentant!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
First of all that bill failed to pass because of all the calls from Regular people like me. then after changes were made to it and it was "sweetened" it passed.... so the suggestion that there wasnt concern isnt accurate....
There was concern for the bail out, yes. Not enough-- wish I did more-- it passed.
There is little to no concern for the 250billion the government is using to invade the financial system-- in the name of buying bad bank debts.
That is what has my feathers ruffled.
Where is the pull out plan for this invasion? Now that the government has crossed this barrier, will it ever retreat?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
I refuse to blame Congress because the buck stops with the President.
If things were good now, we'd be talking about how Mr. Bush is such an awesome leader.
Well I don't think he is-- and he has surrounded himself with scoundrels that are willing to "bail out" or sell out the founding principles of this country in the name of the dollar!
True the buck stops with the president but Congress is also responsible.
But of course, why would anyone expect THEM to be accountable for what they do when you can blame a scapegoat? I mean them poor innocent Congressmen passing laws spending our money as they see fit, and surely no one would expects THEM to be accountable for THEIR actions. That would just be unamerican wouldn't it?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
This discussion is about the direction that our country is headed-- a direction which I do not believe to be the will of God.
This discussion is about how all of this is happening on a REPUBLICAN'S watch, in fact-- he encouraged it.
His Treasury Secretary gave private banks, "NO CHOICE" in the matter.
The direction that our country is headed in is technically referred to as "Socialism", which is a departure from the principles our country was founded on.
If one could make the argument that by becoming the U S S A, we would be a holy nation made right with God, then Socialism could be ok.
Sure, you're willing to let government invade our private financial parts-- but where will it stop?
The day will come when the "Church" won't be sacred-- then what?
I enjoy being able to worship, openly, at the church of my choice, don't you?
An act of tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere!
May the policies of Bush come to an end and the violence his policies have wrecked on the freedoms of my countrymen be wrecked on him and his family.
Rich people think their money insulates them from their wrong doing-- but God will find them and reward those who remain unrepentant!
I don't recall hearing you squealing about the Republicans calling for more control and guidelines for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae BEFORE the crash, while the Democrats was yelling don't mess with it, it isn't broken. When in fact it was. That was the Democrats who have the House NOT the Republicans.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.