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09-09-2008, 07:03 AM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by Esther
So true! Plus the weight in toting the real stuff!
But I bet yours was much prettier and had a more "special" feel.  
You know, really ALL the tables were so pretty and so different. "Working Woman's" was just her personality (actually I'm A LOT like her!) and it just made it more fun!
Here's ANOTHER Working Woman Story! This is for Margie!
My friend had a Christmas Cookie Exchange every year for her Aunts. I was also invited every year, but, I brought candy (That's a whole 'nuther story). Anyway, we all brought our goods and exchanged. One of my friend's aunts told WW that her cookies were WONDERFUL but she had forgotten the recipe. WW told her she would bring the recipe to church the next day.
Sure enough and true to her word she brought a gift bag to Auntie and inside ARCHWAY White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies! LOL ANOTHER good laugh from WW!
SO! Margie! Give YOU any ideas?

09-09-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
My Goodness! The Howard Johnsons Restaraunt situation is far bleaker than I had imagined! I had thought that there were seven or eight left but evidently that number is down to three! Imagine kind of like Sambos Enormous one day gone the next!
Anyway here is a link to an article that offers some hope. Evidently they are going to release Howard Johnsons Ice Cream in the New York area beginning this year and hope to follow that up with some new Howard Johnsons restaraunts soon after! Hurrah!

09-09-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by TCSQ
You know they were like marinated in some kind of a white vinegar type marinade. Which reminds me , Where I live we also have a lot of Turkish markets.
I marinate my Calamari steaks in Balsamic vinegar, with black pepper and Himalayan salt.
Originally Posted by TCSQ
And it seems the staple of their deli's includes the Dolma (Grape leaves stuffed with rice and ground lamb) hummous, baba ghanouj and then Calamari, again, cooked (steamed?) and stuffed with a giant (again cooked maybe steamed or boiled) prawn, They then marinate them in a vinegar, red pepper spiced marinade. FANTASTIC MAN!!! UTTERLY AND ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! (You eat them cold! They are so good)
My wife is Greek, so I know exactly what you are talking about. Have you ever tried Lebanese raw Kibbe?
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Do you remember the Howard Johnsons restaraunts that used to be all over the place?? Now THEY knew how to do clams! Grew up on them, it used to be such a big deal. Now few people even know what you are talking about when you mention HoJo! (They also had a sundae that was perfect, Peppermint Ice Cream (with the broken up red and white peppermint candies in it) covered with Hot Fudge! Oh and the Ice Cream Cake rolls! And the HJo Cola that had a touch of Cinnamon in it! Oh well, I understand there are a few left . Find the link in a moment! HEY did you hear Coney Island closed down for good this year???? Reminds me of the empty place that Riverview left in Chicago! never to be filled again!
Coney Island is closed?
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Lemons! Lots and LOTS of Lemons!
Lots of lemon with Tabasco sauce mixed with horse radish and black pepper.
Originally Posted by TCSQ
You know that was one of the few things I have tried that really, hate to admit it, just didnt do anything for me. Kind of reminded me of soggy cardboard. But you are probably right, the chef is the key.
The one who is smoking the fish, meat, or eels has to know what he is doing.
If he doesn't it will taste like you are eating old dead fish.
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Strangely enough (And I dont know if you knew it or not , you probably did) but Eel IS kind of traditional in a lot of European countries for Christmas and New Years. (Give me Roast Beef, Turkey or Ham anyday!)
I was raised in a Sicilian home and on every Christmas eve, we had a ton of seafood to eat. Eel, squid and octopus were always on the menu.
Originally Posted by TCSQ
OH YEAH And also Roast Goose! You could always roast a goose! They are different than Turkey not having the white meat, more along the line of Duck.
But oh sooooooooooo good!
Forget the goose, how about some nice Mahi, marinated in Balsamic, black pepper, pineapples, onions?
Originally Posted by TCSQ
Have you ever tried ALLIGATOR? There in the Lake Charles area (Louisiana) you can get it deep fried just about everywhere! Its really pretty good. Tastes like.......................................Chicken .)
Oh never deep fry reptile, that is what you do to get a tourist to eat it.
Sauce picant, alligator, turtle, nutria, shrimp, and whatever all you can find, cooked the proper way tastes very nice.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

09-09-2008, 11:54 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by TCSQ
My Goodness! The Howard Johnsons Restaraunt situation is far bleaker than I had imagined! I had thought that there were seven or eight left but evidently that number is down to three! Imagine kind of like Sambos Enormous one day gone the next!
Anyway here is a link to an article that offers some hope. Evidently they are going to release Howard Johnsons Ice Cream in the New York area beginning this year and hope to follow that up with some new Howard Johnsons restaraunts soon after! Hurrah!
We still have HOJOs down here in Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood Florida.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

09-09-2008, 12:20 PM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by bethola
You know, really ALL the tables were so pretty and so different. "Working Woman's" was just her personality (actually I'm A LOT like her!) and it just made it more fun!
Here's ANOTHER Working Woman Story! This is for Margie!
My friend had a Christmas Cookie Exchange every year for her Aunts. I was also invited every year, but, I brought candy (That's a whole 'nuther story). Anyway, we all brought our goods and exchanged. One of my friend's aunts told WW that her cookies were WONDERFUL but she had forgotten the recipe. WW told her she would bring the recipe to church the next day.
Sure enough and true to her word she brought a gift bag to Auntie and inside ARCHWAY White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies! LOL ANOTHER good laugh from WW!
SO! Margie! Give YOU any ideas?
ROFL!! That is sooo good, Beth!! Reminds me of the time that someone brought cookies to Bunco. We all raved over them and asked the one who brought them for the recipe. She told us she couldn't share it because it was "Grandma Bernicke's Recipe". We just accepted that answer and went on our way.
A couple weeks later, my mom and I happened to drive to Wauseon, a town about 20 miles from here, for something. As we went down the road, we looked up at one corner and what did we see? BERNICKE's Market! DUH!!! We laughed so hard!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! ! 

09-09-2008, 12:40 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 383
Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
[QUOTE=Evang.Benincasa;586069]I marinate my Calamari steaks in Balsamic vinegar, with black pepper and Himalayan salt.
My wife is Greek, so I know exactly what you are talking about. Have you ever tried Lebanese raw Kibbe?
Raw , Cooked in a round pan and cut into diamonds, and in football shaped balls. Love it love it love it! I really liked the Kurdish style kibbeh too, same deal only much larger portions. But I would have to say I do prefer it cooked.
Coney Island is closed?
Yeah it was on the net two days ago, finally couldnt keep it afloat anylonger. Kind of depressing! SO many things go and you just cant get them back! (Kind of like the old song tear down a forest put in a parking lot, dont you know it seems to go you dont know what you've got til its gone!- a sad sad statement in view of some of the insanity embraced by some who are apostolic.) I remember the most wonderful amusement park called Riverview there in Chicago growing up. Its gone now....gone gone gone! You just CAN'T get somethings back, a sentiment that I think only years of living and experience can really teach a person.
Lots of lemon with Tabasco sauce mixed with horse radish and black pepper.
Tabasco! I dont even see how anyone can EAT food without tabasco! I gotta have it!
The one who is smoking the fish, meat, or eels has to know what he is doing.
If he doesn't it will taste like you are eating old dead fish.
I live in a place where I get a smoked mackerel every sunday after church. (Not as an offerring, go out to eat and then the guy with the smoker is set up in front of the restaraunt. Its good with tea during the week.)
I was raised in a Sicilian home and on every Christmas eve, we had a ton of seafood to eat. Eel, squid and octopus were always on the menu.
Oh my word! My uncle is sicilian! One hundred percenter! D'amato. And speaking of Octopus, I have had it recently the older more mature octopus, did NOT care for it at all BBBBBBUUUUTTTTTT The baby octopus marinated in vinegar and oil, ahhhhhhh perfetto!
Forget the goose, how about some nice Mahi, marinated in Balsamic, black pepper, pineapples, onions?
Welllllll who's to say we cant have BOTH!!!!!!
Oh never deep fry reptile, that is what you do to get a tourist to eat it.
Sauce picant, alligator, turtle, nutria, shrimp, and whatever all you can find, cooked the proper way tastes very nice.
Gotta love them reptiles! But really, alligator was okay, but really for me it was more of a a novelty. I dont crave it. BUT what I do crave sometimes is Frogs Legs! We used to go to this restaraunt outside Chicago called Phil Schmidts and the deal was they served Frogs Legs all you could eat family style with cole slaw and fries absolutely my favourite when I was little. Try and find Frogs legs now outside of Louisiana....good luck.
In Jesus name
Yes In Jesus Name!
Brother Benincasa

09-09-2008, 12:58 PM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
This thread is making me hungry

09-09-2008, 01:19 PM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by Rhoni
This thread is making me hungry 
I know what would be so cool would be an international Apostolic Friends Forum get together Barbeque so we could all eat and then duke it out in PERSON rather than in cyber space!

09-09-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by TCSQ
I know what would be so cool would be an international Apostolic Friends Forum get together Barbeque so we could all eat and then duke it out in PERSON rather than in cyber space!
In REAL life, I am a lover not a fighter  We'd all have a blast just hugging and apologizing for all our misconceptions of each other
Blessings, Rhoni

09-09-2008, 02:28 PM
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Re: Ladies Christmas Banquet Ideas.....
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Noooooooooooo - it's toooooo early to have to think about Christmas!
Here's a twist - - have the men serve the ladies!
....wearing green elf suits and long shoes with toes that curl up to the sky.
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