But you missed the question (being partially brain dead, so no problem). Or didn't have time to finish (hearing the call for rellenos, so no problem). Just don't forget to come back.
How will Heaven escape this universe's unavoidable fate: "in order for 'good' to exist at all, evil must exist as a consequence"? Or will there actually be no "good" there?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I'm trying to apply the same logic for PP that he has applied to someone else. If you read the context in its entirity, then you might get it.
Is God all-knowing? Did he create Lucifer? The answer to both questions is yes. God created Lucifer (andlater, men) knowing full well they would eventually rebel. Please note that He did not create them to rebel. He knew they would, and created. Them in spite of that knowledge.Study the Lamb Slain from the FOundation of the World. What does that statement mean?
The question was directed to the person I responded to Timmy; had you read his response you might not be confused, but then again.........
I read the post you responded to, if that's what you mean (didn't see a response to your question from him). Still confused.
Your response to "How could he not know?" was "Are you serious?" What is the terribly obvious answer that you are surprised that PP doesn't know? Did God obviously know that Lucifer would rebel, or did He obviously not know that he would rebel?
"Is it possible for God (who is omniscient, omipresent, and omnipotent) to lie?"
I would think not.
"If not, then how was he able to create a being that could?"
I would think easily. A non-lying God could create a lying creature, if He wanted to. What am I missing, Bro E?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Is God all-knowing? Did he create Lucifer? The answer to both questions is yes. God cre/bated Lucifer (andlater, men) knowing full well they would eventually rebel. Please note that He did not create them to rebel. He knew they would, and created. Them in spite of that knowledge.Study the Lamb Slain from the FOundation of the World. What does that statement mean?
God knows the end from the beginning. There is absolutely NOTHING he does not know. Because of His perfect foreknowledge and in His state of timelessness the future is an actuality for God , the Lamb was slain from the moment God's plan was formed in His mind, we were glorified Rom 8, the blood of the prophets was shed, even when in time none of these things had happened.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
There are numerous occasions in the Bible where God changes his mind based on the prayers, pleas or behaviors of man. Did he know all along, or (as open theists say), does he know everything there is to know at the time? He can obviously anticipate all outcomes to any decision that anyone can ever make, but does he know ahead of time what decisions free-willed creatures will make? Just asking questions. IMO, it does not limit God by saying that he does not know decisions we will make. Can he truly have a relationship with a pre-programmed entity? Maybe.... I don't know.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Michael or Gabriel could have easily been the one to rebel. The real question is, did anything in Lucifer's creative makeup lead him to rebel? Such as if God made him less beautiful or the messenger angel instead of the worship angel. Lucifer must have been preordained to fall. If preordained to fall, will God feel some responsibility and redeem Lucifer in the future?