Originally Posted by Amanah
Rome didn't really "fall" it morphed into nation states as the so called barbarians divided it up in late antiquity.
The US has morphed into a technocracy or an oligarchy.
It fell. While a government might resemble another government, or one kingdom resembling another. They aren't the same exact government. Rome had a totally different system than ours. Even before Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Rome differs from what we have today If we had old Romans in our senate Biden, Kamala, and their cabinet would've of been declared enemy of the state. Our government cannot request its people go out and murder an official. Similarities can't be seen as sameness. Also for something to "morph" means it takes another shape. So while there are similarities we aren't the old Roman Empire. Yet, what Sir John Glubb was trying to point out is how there is a process of any empire. Whether or not his numbers line up he nails it on the process. There we have no argument.