Originally Posted by mfblume
So much scripture out of context. Well, it's what the devil did, too, in the wilderness with the Lord. No surprise, really.
ok, and lest you get the wrong idea about the Bible--well, we all get the wrong idea about the Bible lol, that is the point, to get the wrong idea, you i guess have to burn yourself, before you learn what "burn" is--but anyway even though the Bible is mistaken, there are no mistakes in the Bible ok, i agree with you there, and i'm putting in 18 hours a day on it right now,
when i already know that the Law and the Prophets are
fulfilled in Love Your Neighbor, so don't get the wrong idea, ok, don't let satan come in and steal the Word, it doesn't matter if Bob wrote the Bible, because the Book is God breathed, don't take that wrong, It has the Wind in It, but the wind blows wither it will, so i'm taking what comes right now, even "the Bible started being written in Babylon," which i don't know
where the heck i got that, i have no idea if it's true, but i do know, well nothing, but i do know that Love Your Neighbor predates Hammurabi even, and people were divided @ Babylon, separated from each other, by God, just like we
were separated from the Bible, for what 1000 years or something, a 1000 year reign, another slowing-of-us-down, we were physically separated from It--in a time when the imagery would have been much more accessible to people, the people who thought like the people God used to breathe on It--until we could be
spiritually separated from It--by at least the 1000 years, if nothing else, but there's something else too, people were much more attuned to the spiritual then, in a way we just aren't now--so, spiritually separated from It, on purpose, explain that one
So anyway don't think any of us, any of the three of us over here are trying to put down the Law, to put down the Book, no, we are trying to pick It up, that Book
found in the Temple, because It had been
forgotten, by people you read about whose
job was the Book, a whole
tribe of them, who sat around talking Book
all day, but yet somehow
lost or
forgot It, and the Book was found in the
Temple, and the Word is not in the Book, but the Word is
written on your heart, and you are the Temple, you too, so figure that one out if you can, lol, and get back to me on that one
because see, out of millions--i guess--of
God's people, 12 Tribes of people--who incidentally are still around today, keeping the Sabbath even; go ask one what Tribe he is from, lol--who walked out of Egypt free men, and then got snake-bit and looked at a Snake on a Pole to get healed, in the Wilderness--right where we are--only 2 made it, to the Promised Land, and 3 make a rope of strong cords, which of course there were 3 because Moses was there, "on a mountain," to witness the 2 (men in a bed), but all the rest "perished" ok. But we have 100 verses suggesting Universal Reconciliation.
So why not get back to me on that, if you got something.
Those who are first--the elderly parents--come to be last, and must be brought, by those who were last, but got there first; so the first will be last and the last will be first.
And God created the earth, but the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the
All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
everyone whose name has not been written,
from the foundation of the world,
in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.
Have a nice day.