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10-23-2007, 11:29 PM
Invisible Thad
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by Coffee99
With all due respect, Thad, it is not your choice to make nor your place to judge.
The people with whom my mother and I associate and love found out years ago and it makes no difference to them about how they feel about my mother or my family - in fact, it eased many burdens for her.
My father certainly became more than happy to tell once he "found his freedom."
I've been where this family is. My mother has been where this family is. I KNOW what it's like to wonder, as one of the "children" if I'm going to be gay because he is or if I caused it and 100 other emotions and worries that you don't have a clue about, but these children will experience. I know what it's like to have serious issues in trying to trust enough to form a marital relationship because he/she might be gay. Fortunately, for these children, there is less stigma attached to them than there was when my father revealed all.
My mother knows what it is like to have the whispers and the gossip and the looks of pity and the stupid comments like if she had been a better wife, maybe she could have "cured" him. We know what it's like to doubt, to not feel like you will ever trust again, to feel betrayed, used, to feel stupid, to doubt EVERY encounter you ever had with him...
What I want this family to know, from a place of first-hand experience, is that the sun eventually shines again, it does make you stronger, you do laugh about some of this one day, and it is possible for their daughter to find a joyous marital relationship, and for the children to reach a place where they can find peace.
If it helps this family, then why should I be afraid to say it was my father. Maybe we went through it so we can help others who are in this very, very dark and troubled space.
I stand corrected coffee you had the right to express what you did. Sorry to upset you. I guess everyone has a different perspective. in other words, everyone is not as candid about immediate family issues. the most important thing, you offered sister carol encouragment. that is to commended.
10-23-2007, 11:30 PM
Invisible Thad
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Originally Posted by bcarolb
I gotta say both of my daughters are incredible writers and have actually started a manuscript. Although their stories are different they are both full of sorrow, love gone awry, and learning to trust God through it all....against all odds. They have both survived great cruelties and are still making their journey back to their God given place of ministry. They are amazing to me. So absolute in faith. Thank you for those kind words. If they get published i will let ya know. ;}
she's writing a book about all of this ??
10-23-2007, 11:31 PM
Invisible Thad
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,966
Originally Posted by bcarolb
THAD..If you haven't already..go to christian's myspace page and check his new blog entitled The Bottom Line..... In it he references all of us on here and what's been going on the last few days, briefly, and then tells what he believes now in a nut shell. Thought you might find it interesting or new fodder if folks are not done with this subject. I check his page frequently and he never disappoints.
ummmm..... I don't know
you're sure it's okay or a good thing ?
10-23-2007, 11:32 PM
Da Evangelist
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Well, he claims he is makeing a movie. That is very scary because hollywood never makes up us look good.
10-23-2007, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad
ummmm..... I don't know
you're sure it's okay or a good thing ?
i read it... seems to be very closely alligned with the inclusion doctrine among other things..
Here is a rather shocking statement he made about the writers of the Old Testament..
"It is clear from reading the Old Testament that many of the writers were screwed up, fear based, and mentaly unstable people with no true full revelation of God. They taught a mixture of truth and error."
Sad how a person can stray so far from truth into total complete error..
10-23-2007, 11:49 PM
Invisible Thad
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,966
Originally Posted by ILuvFPC
i read it... seems to be very closely alligned with the inclusion doctrine among other things..
Here is a rather shocking statement he made about the writers of the Old Testament..
"It is clear from reading the Old Testament that many of the writers were screwed up, fear based, and mentaly unstable people with no true full revelation of God. They taught a mixture of truth and error."
Sad how a person can stray so far from truth into total complete error..
even more alarming, there are many XUPCers who are now buying into this doctrine more and more all the time. it's unreal.
Is it the spirit of the age ? who would have thought ?
10-23-2007, 11:53 PM
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*** From Garrett's Blog
The bottom line, what it’s all about....
It's Tuesday night in the city, just got in from an enchanted evening with a dear friend, and had popcorn and a coke at Stonewall Inn. For those of you who know the history of Stonewall, it was a spiritual experience.
I have noticed that the blog hits have gone way up the past few days, and I have gotten quite a few personal emails from some of my old Church friends, which I appeciate, even the ones calling me bad names for being pro-gay now.
I am rushed tonight, and want to write a lot more, but my bed is calling me. So I will be fast and just want to share some food for thought.
God is pure unconditional love. Love is God and God is love. Read the book of I Corinthians 13 for a great definition of God. God does not keep a record of wrong. God is patient, kind, merciful, compassionate, all that is good and grand, that is God.
There has never been a time when you were not the object of God's eternal love. Before you came into this world as a person, the Scripture tells us that your very spirit was one with God. After the death of this mortal body, your spirit will return to it's source, God. It is impossible for you to be separate from the love of God.
The story of Christ reveals to us a God of unconditional love who has forgiven, redeemed, and reconcilled the whole wide world. Everyone is forgiven by God, like it or not.
When Christ died upon the Cross, the story says that He prayed, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?" In Christian theology, Christ never prayed a prayer that the Father did not answer. Christ prayed forgiveness even upon those who reject love and the knowledge of God revealed in Christ. Both believers and unbelievers were forgiven through the work of the Cross. In Christian theology, there is no sin left between God and man. Christ has taken away the sins of the whole world. Yes, everyone is going to heaven. I Corinthians 15 tells us that one day, "God will be all in ALL." Every knee will bow before the awesome and amazing love of God.
The good news of the original Christian gospel is that God has already forgiven and accepted you. You are one with Him. Religion is what Christ came to save the world from. When Christ died upon the cross, Scripture tells us that He ABOLISHED the law that made men sinners. Where there is no law, there is no sin, the book of Romans says.
Christ took away the law, thus took away all sin, and today the law of God is LOVE. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Love yourself, love the God within you, and love all with the big love of God. Love is it. There is nothing greater or beyond love. Love is not a mere part of the spiritual life, love is the spiritual life. When you live in love you are living in the depth of God Himself, for God is love.
Heaven and hell are not mere places that people go after death. Heaven and hell are where people are living now. Christ said that the KINGDOM is WITHIN YOU. Not way off yonder in the sky. God's kingdom dwells within your heart. When you live in the awareness of God and His love, you are entering into the Kingdom of God. Live in Love and you are living in the Kingdom of Heaven. Eternity will only be an extension of what you lived in here. Nothing changes about the real you. You stand today forgiven, loved, and accepted by God. Believe that and live in that love and you will see heaven on earth come to your heart and spirit.
Hell is living in the denial and rejection of the love of God. Of course love will never fail. Love will one day cast out all the negative, hate filled judgment of religon from the souls of all, but untill that day comes many still choose to live in hate, fear, guilt, condemnation, and anger. This is hell. If you want to feel hell, simply visit some of the websites dedicated to slandering those who share grace and the love of God. It is like walking through a sewer of religious vomit.
How tormented the souls of those are who live thinking that the God of Jesus is going to torture without mercy the majority of humanity. This is not God, it is the 'devil.' Fear based religion is satan himself personified.
To see the true image of God look into the face of Christ. There you see a God who hung with hookers, had His feet washed by prostitutes, loved on lepers, let thieves preach His gospel, and forgave people before they asked.
There is a great awakening happening in the Christian Church. The god revealed in much of the Old Testament was clearly not the God revealed in Christ. Much of the Old Testament religion was a twisted tribal insane presentation of a fear based god, that was no god at all.
10-23-2007, 11:55 PM
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 173
**Part IIIt is clear from reading the Old Testament that many of the writers were screwed up, fear based, and mentaly unstable people with no true full revelation of God. They taught a mixture of truth and error. Shocked? Think about this.
The god of the Old Testament told parents to KILL, MURDER, PUT TO DEATH their own children if they were disobedient. That was not the God revealed in Christ.
The god of the Old Testament told people that they were not supposed to eat shirmp and wear clothes of two different fabrics. Was this God? Of course not. It was fear based men trying to put on paper what they thought God said.
The god of the Old Testament told people to go into cities and kill the men, women, and children, and leave no one alive. This is not the God revealed in Christ. It's not. This is the type of god served by Osama Bin Laden and other cult leaders. This is the god, the god of the evil world of religion, that Christ came to save the world from.
The one true living eternal God of eternity is LOVE. Love. Love. Love. That is the God revealed in Christ. That was the message brought to us in the Jesus story of the Gospels. The law had told men one thing, but Christ said something new and different. Love your enemies. Will God ask of us that which He will not do Himself? If God asks you to love and forgive your enemies, do you not know that He has already done the same?
The God revealed in Christ had no problem with same sex marriage. How do I know? He had me get marrried to Christ and call Him my husband and I am His bride. It don't get more gay than that.
All you homo haters out there, think about this. I am the bride of Christ, in Christian theology. I am a man. Christ is a man. We are one. He is my Husband and I am His bride. No way to explain it away as a Christian. That is same sex marriage. Been going on for 2,000 years. If it is ok to love the man Jesus, it is ok to love any man He gives you to love.
I am sure that the religious hate mongers will froth and foam with demonic convulsions over such truth, but it cannot be denied.
To all the rest of you out there, know that religion based on fear is bunk, ........, devil dung, to be blunt. You don't need it. Love is the answer. Always has been, always will be. You are loved, you are accepted, you will never be rejected.
To all the religious hate mongers out there, you are just as loved, just as accepted, just as one with God as anyone else in the world. Drop the religion, follow your heart, and live in what you know is truth. Love. Love yourself. Love all the people of the world. Love is the answer. No matter what the question.
Well, that's my theological thoughts for the night. Sleep well. I will.
Safe in love and grace,
10-24-2007, 12:00 AM
Invisible Thad
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,966
Originally Posted by SecretWarrior
**Part IIIt is clear from reading the Old Testament that many of the writers were screwed up, fear based, and mentaly unstable people with no true full revelation of God. They taught a mixture of truth and error. Shocked? Think about this.
The god of the Old Testament told parents to KILL, MURDER, PUT TO DEATH their own children if they were disobedient. That was not the God revealed in Christ.
The god of the Old Testament told people that they were not supposed to eat shirmp and wear clothes of two different fabrics. Was this God? Of course not. It was fear based men trying to put on paper what they thought God said.
The god of the Old Testament told people to go into cities and kill the men, women, and children, and leave no one alive. This is not the God revealed in Christ. It's not. This is the type of god served by Osama Bin Laden and other cult leaders. This is the god, the god of the evil world of religion, that Christ came to save the world from.
The one true living eternal God of eternity is LOVE. Love. Love. Love. That is the God revealed in Christ. That was the message brought to us in the Jesus story of the Gospels. The law had told men one thing, but Christ said something new and different. Love your enemies. Will God ask of us that which He will not do Himself? If God asks you to love and forgive your enemies, do you not know that He has already done the same?
The God revealed in Christ had no problem with same sex marriage. How do I know? He had me get marrried to Christ and call Him my husband and I am His bride. It don't get more gay than that.
All you homo haters out there, think about this. I am the bride of Christ, in Christian theology. I am a man. Christ is a man. We are one. He is my Husband and I am His bride. No way to explain it away as a Christian. That is same sex marriage. Been going on for 2,000 years. If it is ok to love the man Jesus, it is ok to love any man He gives you to love.
I am sure that the religious hate mongers will froth and foam with demonic convulsions over such truth, but it cannot be denied.
To all the rest of you out there, know that religion based on fear is bunk, ........, devil dung, to be blunt. You don't need it. Love is the answer. Always has been, always will be. You are loved, you are accepted, you will never be rejected.
To all the religious hate mongers out there, you are just as loved, just as accepted, just as one with God as anyone else in the world. Drop the religion, follow your heart, and live in what you know is truth. Love. Love yourself. Love all the people of the world. Love is the answer. No matter what the question.
Well, that's my theological thoughts for the night. Sleep well. I will.
Safe in love and grace,
O wow! I glossed over this but that highlighted part really caught me off gaurd!
what do you all think about this??? WOOOOW
this sounds like the carlton Pearson Doctrine
10-24-2007, 12:11 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Southern California
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Originally Posted by Thad
O wow! I glossed over this but that highlighted part really caught me off gaurd!
what do you all think about this??? WOOOOW
this sounds like the carlton Pearson Doctrine
Thad....the highlighted part doesn't necessarily sound like CP's doctrine like the rest of the blog does.
The highlighted part just makes me sad to see how far some will go to legitimize their sin....no matter if some thinks there is no more sin....which is a whole 'nuther discussion in itself.
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