Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
In 1904 he worked with Parham, but relocated to Linwood, Texas in 1904. It was the first Pentecostal church outside of Houston.
Harvey F Shearer
In 1914-1915 he was still in Texas.
In 1907, while in route to the great Azusa revival in Los Angeles, California, Harvey Shearer (an ordained Methodist minister) traveling on horseback stopped at a brush arbor meeting and received his “Pentecost”. Shearer did not make it to Azusa but chose to begin his Apostolic ministry at that moment. He arrived in Burnet, Texas in 1910 proclaiming the reality of Pentecost. Here he met Edwin Roark, his wife, Mrs. Ida Roark, and the Pentecostal pioneer who would later found what is now known as The Tabernacle, the honorable A.D. Light. Light would travel by horseback from his home in Llano some thirty miles away to hold services in Burnet. The Shearers, Roarks and Lights began to hold annual camp meetings in the summer of 1910 on the banks of Hamilton Creek. They would go 3-4 weeks at a time with service starting in the morning and lasting till late at night. These meetings went through 1924. Those attending would camp on the grounds and cook meals over open campfires.
Last edited by Scott Pitta; 06-14-2016 at 11:31 PM.