So you want to hear the latest Keith saga? Oh my goodness! this child is gonna be the death of me yet!!
Yesterday we were sitting here minding our business when the local police show up at our door. It's Chris (I used to babysit for his son, so we know him very well). Chris said he was just stopping in to let us know that he had just left the high school because of an incident involving Keith.
Apparently, what happened is that Keith took his cell phone to school (Rule #1 broken). He was in Science class and had his hand in his pocket randomly hitting keys and numbers on his phone - and accidentally called 911. BIG whoops!!
The 911 dispatcher called our local police (of course) and Chris ended up at the school trying to track down whose cell phone was making that call. Because Keith accidentally made the call and didn't even have his phone out of his pocket, he didn't even realize he had made the call!
Eventually, they tracked it down and figured out that the call came from Keith's phone. So Keith was called to the office where the police officer, the principal and the assistant principal all talked to him. All three of them came to the conclusion that he really did NOT make the call intentionally.
HOWEVER, because he had not left his phone in his locker and turned off, he had to be punished. So they ended up giving him a 5 day IN-school detention. (if the call had been intentional, it is an automatic 10 day out of school detention). Plus the school is keeping his phone until those 5 days are served.
We're ok with all of this.
Now here's the part I am NOT ok with. We have a school principal who really needs to go. Everyone knows that, but because of the political games that go on in this town, he keeps his job.
So Keith goes back to his Science class today and the teacher in there says to him that she does not appreciate that Keith told the principal that she (the science teacher) had offered to pay Keith $50 if he would make that call yesterday. Keith told her that he never said that. So she says to him, "So are you saying that you are calling the principal a liar?" Keith said, "Ya, I guess I am. I don't want to, but I did NOT say that to anyone!"
He came home upset today and told me about this conversation. So I called Chris (the police officer). He assured me that Keith had absolutely NOT said that yesterday at all! I called the school then, but couldn't get anyone. So guess what I get to do tomorrow!!
Gee whiz!! Are all boys this much of a challenge? LOL!!!