What would you have thought if someone had written a post similar to the one you wrote yesterday when you were called "backslider"?
well, that would have required me coming on here and first posting about how I had been done wrong....
that ain't never happened... at least not in that context.
There are a couple of very long posts in the Blog area about some of the things I have walked thru. Those were posted as a way to help those who have been hurt. not some attempt on my part to "Get things off my chest"
I do thank God that I have some people in my life who will speak the unvarnished truth to me when I need to hear it. Ice Baths aren’t fun but they often jar us back to reality
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I debated about even linking back to this. but you can see from the date of the post it isnt new.
maybe it helps. maybe its too long and gives you tired head to read. but it is a small part of the life ive lived.
Maybe I have been too hard here. I still firmly believe that we own our own emotions...or we die. it may take a long time to get there God knows it did me, but in the mean time, I lived it myself. I didnt drag others into my ordeal(s).
Again, it is a hurtful time for you. You have made a decision to follow another way. Go and do it. Just remember that for these people, this is shocking because it's a heaven or hell issue for them. That's intense.
They are going to be upset about it. And some are going to get really ugly, which is also unfortunate. You aren't going to change them. Not everyone that goes to church has a prayer life, but I'm sure you already found that out. LOL!
If you grow in more patience and understanding through this, as I am sure you will, and some on the other side will too as time goes by, you will have all gained in some way. Some won't learn a thing, but that can't be our worry.
If you happen to say a prayer, pray that I have more patience.
I debated about even linking back to this. but you can see from the date of the post it isnt new.
maybe it helps. maybe its too long and gives you tired head to read. but it is a small part of the life ive lived.
Maybe I have been too hard here. I still firmly believe that we own our own emotions...or we die. it may take a long time to get there God knows it did me, but in the mean time, I lived it myself. I didnt drag others into my ordeal(s).
I didnt come on here to drag people in my ordeal. This is a forum and I thought it was a good place to just get stuff off my chest. I thought it would be best to write on a forum where it couldn’t and won’t have an impact on my church.
I didnt expect to come on here and get some AMAZING revelation as to why things are the way they are nor did I hope any of you would give me a solution or quick fix. I really am not here to whine or get pity from you and Im sure you are aware of that, again just needed to get it off my chest.
I appreciate all the responses this thread has received and if anything it had done me good to just talk about it, even if not understood by some of you.