Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker
It is a big one....fear was by far the biggest....all these stories about people who left church .....and got ran over by a car!!!!!! ON and on it went....
Fear was a big thing at youth ralley.... "I know that there are some youth here who are not living by the standards.....you know who you are.... there are some youth here who are sinning and not inviting friends to church (ect...) I feel right now that there is someone here who will leave the building tonight and die in a car wreak if you don't come to the front and repent...."
It seemed like every youth rally someone was going to die if they did not go to the front to repent.
Also like I said before our church was big into fear...especially with end time stuff. That stuff is really scarey for small children. I had bad panic attacks during my childhood and young adulthood because of it. It took my husband and the internet to get me out of all of the fear based stuff...