Originally Posted by tbpew
...just curious....
Q1.How does one basically confirm a chicken is dead? Does it have pulse in its little skinny chicken neck that you were able to check?
Did you put a little "chicken mirror" under its little chicken beak to see if any chicken breath resulted in moisture on the mirror?
Q2. Were you directly or indirectly involved in either of these creatures demise? It just seems uncanny that you would just 'come upon' two dead things and experience the motivation (and results) you shared.
Q3. Have you shared your 'cat save' with H.O. (here at AFF)? If not, you may have a 'friend invite' in your near future!
LOL! all very good questions.
I was about 3....I say three becaus when i was 4 we moved to a different house....err... house trailer...
anyway, it was easter, and my dad brought me a baby chick. My dog grabed it and killed it but before the dog ate it, dad got it away for him. I prayed for the chicken and it came back to life! (I remember this vividly.) I should have left well enought alone. the dog eventually killed it again and ate the poor thing before we could stop it. That dog had a bad heart and it didnt live long afterwards as I recall, dad claims it died of lead poison.
Some years later when I was around 11 or so, I was practicing hitting a baseball. I had this baseball rig that you could sling around a pole and then hit it. Anyway I tagged that ball pretty good and just as i did it, my cat ran right in the path of the oncoming baseball. The ball cracked it right in the side of the head and that cat droped like a rock. dad tossed it in the bushes, but i went in and prayed for it and it came back to life!
not kidding one bit. it really happened. that was a good cat. ate lots of mice. (we lived on a farm)