Originally Posted by Thad
well don't you preachers sign a pledge to do just that ???
Real quick; When that goofy affirmation statement went out the first time, it was sent with a cover letter by N.A. Urshan, reminding all of us that each church is autonomous... That gives each church some latitude... If it is within reason, the org. is basically going to leave you alone...
which is why nothing happens to a preacher when they preach against women preachers at their home church, when the org. is for them...
which is why nothing happens when a preacher preaches no divorce or remarriage under any circumstance to his congregation, which the org is for, with adultery..
which is why nothing happens when a pastor says it's ok for his people to play organized sports, go to ball games, and more.......
with each church being autonomous, the pastor has the latitude to set some things for his church even if the don't line up all the way with the org.. (again within reason)