Originally Posted by scotty
Well if none of the republicans are qualified then you won't be voting at all I guess?? Cause if your standards are that high then ain't no democrat qualified either.
This is a very interesting delma.
On the Republican side, the top 3 candidates are very qualified to be president, if one simply looks at their resumes. However, none of them really appeal polictally to the republican base.
on the other side, the top 3 democrats are clearly NOT qualified to be president if you are looking at their resumes however, all three play well to the democtrat base.
for the repbulicans, Rudy, Romney, and Huckabee all have executive experience, and are seasoned politicains. However, all three have something that causes mainstream conservitives to not trust them.
for the Dems, the qualified candiates are Bill Richardson and Joe Biden. Neither of these guys have a chance of getting the Dem nomination.
it is a wacky election cycle.